chapter 6

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"Any plans?" Jack asked, pale faced and sweating. Dr serizawa came up with a plan that could work, but it also could end up in their death. " we lead rodan to gojira, and let him kill it" he said. " where exactly is godzilla?" Sam asked, looking at the moniters. " following a storm" barnes said, making everyone look at him confused. "Why is he following a storm?" Jack asked,looking at a satalite feed. "What zero is the storm" serizawa suggested. They looked at more feed and noticed a signal in the eye of the storm. "It's monster" Barnes asked, simpily confused on how a creature could become something else. "It has the ability to conduct electricity, our moniters and equipment would short out once we got close enough back in 2016" vivian said,reading some notes. "So its a giant magnet for anything electrical, just like radiation with the muto's?" Sam had asked. Vivian nodded her head and showed him a old thermal picture when the three headed titan had been frozen in the ice wall. "Where is it heading?" Barnes asked. "Towards mexico, mainly the main land" griffen said, being one of barne's members. "Okay, i got an idea, maybe we can use the argo jet to lead rodan to monster zero and let them kill eachother" jack said. "And if it doesn't work?" Griffen had asked. "We let godzilla kill them" vivan said. "I need all air force soldiers to head towards mexico, our targets are rodan, and monster zero. Keep rodan distracted till we get there" barnes said, sending the message to any soldiers who were in the air. "Roger that" a soldier said over the intercom. Rodan had been flying towards the ocean as osprey and jets were sent in to distract him, but it wasn't going to go down with out a fight. An ariel dogfight had commenced as the jets headed towards rodan. Missles were fired, but rodan had done a barrel roll as he dodged the missles and knocked jets out of the sky with his wings. One jet was grabbed in his talons,crushed to peices as it was thrown into the ocean. Rodan had glided across the water as his wings skimmed the water, causing fog to mist up the wind sheilds of the aircraft as they slammed into one another. More aircraft circled the 154 titan as rodan knew he needed to defend himself. He stopped as aircraft flew dead towards him, making the titan open its 871 foot wings and clap them together. A sonic thunder clap had not only destroyed the jets but sent rodan flying upwards into the sky. The argo jet jad arrived just in time and fired a shot towards the titan. Rodan was hit, but only got pissed off by the man made vehicle and flew dead straight for it. "Here it comes!" Sam shouted, watching the argo jet fly away from rodan. With rodan on the attack, the argo jet headed for a large black storm cloud that was nothing but pure lighting and thunder. The storm was feirce and violent ,lighting struck at every corner and illuminated the clouds. Rodan gained on the argo jet, nearly having it in his grasp. A electrical charge had hit rodan as three song like roars had been heard, indicating that monster zero was close by. The three headed titan had lunged out of the clouds and grabbed rodan, easily showing monarch that he was much more powerful than rodan. His opponent escaped the grasp and started to claw at his chest, making monster zero roar out in pain.  Another slash went to monster zero's neck and chest yet again, angering the three headed titan. He was struck with lighting as the three heads fired a lighting bolt like attack, sending rodan into a small patch of land, now letting the argo jet be the next target to the three headed devil.

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