Chapter 10:

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Elyza POV:

Alicia was having a full on panic attack and I knew from experience that even if they don't want you to the best thing to do is just hold them tight. Make them feel safe until you are confident they will be ok on their own.

I look up and see the worry in Mr.Blake's eyes. He just looks shocked that Alicia would do that. Alicia was just sitting in my arms balling and I just kept whispering in her ear that everything was going to be ok and that she is here and safe. After about 15 minutes she finally had calmed down and we just sat with her in my lap in silence.

"See? There they go doing it again. I feel uncomfortable just being in the same room as them right now. " I seriously am going to kill this woman.

"Well my girlfriend just had an anxiety attack so if you feel uncomfortable then you can get the fuck out! " Mr.Blake just looked at me.

"Mr.Blake please do something about these two girls they are a danger to others. Look what they did to my sweet Ashley. She is probably going to have a broken nose now. "

"Well one you are lucky Alicia is the one that hit her because if it was me she wouldn't be awake right now. Two Ashley is only described as sweet if she has been possessed by Satan himself. And three the good news is at least now she will look a little more attractive. " I said and Alicia just dies of laughter and I even saw a smile on Mr.Blake's face.

"Babe that was the most true thing I have ever heard anyone say! I'm actually crying. That was too good. I wish I could have recorded that! " Alicia surprised us all when she spoke but it was the best sound I have heard.

"Well I am glad you find this humorous but I would like you to know that I will be pressing charges. And I have one hell of a lawyer. " Mrs.Collins sounded like she was going to kill me.

"Eh it's ok the charges won't stick and if they do the most she will get is community service. Plus my sister is a defence attorney. She had to be able to get me off somehow. " Alicia giggled and kissed my cheek.

I looked at her and got lost in those forest green eyes of hers. I hadn't noticed how long we were looking at each other until Mr.Blake cleared his throat.

"Well, Alicia, Elyza you are both free to go and continue your day. Have a wonderful afternoon girls. Oh and Elyza make sure she is okay. Here is a pass to sit in on her classes today... all of them. Just in case she needs you. " Mr.Blake just watched us get up and when he opened the door to let us out he winked at me.

"I really hate these women in here but this will show them not to be homophobic assholes. " He whispered as we walked out.

"Wait a minute my daughter has all of today's classes with Alicia! " Mrs.Conners said.

"Well that is the point of Elyza being there. " He said and I walked with Alicia to class laughing our asses off.


The rest of the day was pretty uneventful except when we got to one of the classes and someone asked why I was there. I just told him to fuck off and sat next to Alicia.

We are about to leave and we are just standing in the parking lot after school and I decide we need to go somewhere.

"Hey babe? You wanna go do something? Like other then going home and binging? Not that I don't love cuddling in bed with you but we really should go out. " I had the best idea already.

"Sure but can we go home first I want to drop off my bag and stuff. And I really need to grab some cash if we are doing anything. "

"Sure babe. We will go home then we are going to do something that will probably get us both killed by Mary but it's going to be worth it. Trust me. "


We went home and Alicia got her money and everything and then came running out and got back on the back of my bike.

We pulled into the parking lot and I helped Alicia get off my bike the I got off.

"Ok keep the blindfold on ok I'm going to lead you inside and then to what we are doing. "

I walk her inside then to the counter.

"Ok babe take off your blindfold, " She takes it off, "Ta Da! We are getting you your license. But for a bike, "

"Babe my mom is going to kill me if she found out that you have been teaching me how to ride let alone made it legal. "

"No she won't she is going to kill me for this! " I lead her over to the bikes and to the one she had told me she wanted since I met her. I even had her name and jersey number engraved in the side but small so you can see it but barley.

"Babe are you fucking kidding me? If so that's fucked up! If not what are we waiting for let's get my license! " She said as she walked over to the bike.

She sat down on it and made me take a bunch of pictures on it. We sat there taking pictures for like 20 minutes when the tester came out and called Alicia's name.

"Ok babe just like we practiced ok? Just imagine that I'm on the bike with you telling you what to do. " She started to walk away but I caught up with her.

"Here your going to need this! " I handed her the helmet I had custom made. It was the colors of her jersey, red, black, and blue, also it had her jersey number, 7,on it.

"Thank you babe I'll be back with my license! " She kissed me and walked away with the teacher.

"Good luck! " I called after her.

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