Returning to Beacon

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It's been three days since we made our great escape. I don't know why these Grimm keep following us. We had three close calls but every time Galactic would save us. He doesn't really talk much but he seems to have fun killing all the Grimm.

Roman: NEO!!! How much longer until we get to leave


Roman:...bad neo...

Y/n: Okay it's official. Roman lost it.

Sandro: I don't understand why we don't go to Beacon. Maybe we can sneak past all the Grimm protecting it.

Scarlet: That plan would be suicide. It would take precise timing to sneak past the Grimm and judging by how long they been protecting it, we would only have 1 second to sneak past them

Arron: I have a better idea. How about we just create a big enough explosion to kill all the Grimm in the surrounding area so we have enough time to sneak through.

Roman: Well it's not the worst plan we had.

Y/n: The worst plan we had was when we decided to explode our way through atlas prison.

Arron: I remember it like it was yesterday. I can still remember building the bomb out of toothpicks, toilet paper, and toilets.

Sandro: I'm still wondering how you made it. 

Scarlet: All I remember is running through the explosion yelling that you're a complete idiot.

Roman: Well I like the kids plan so how about we round up some dust to create the explosion.

Y/n: We have enough dust but it would take all our weapons ammo to create a big enough explosion.

Sandro: If we do the plan then we have a high chance of dying due to use having no ammo.

Arron: So.....its not the worst idea we have ever come up with.

Scarlet: Okay so we all agree to do the plan.

Yassr: Yes.

Galactic:.....*thumbs up*

Y/n: Okay then we all agree. We create the explosion and I'll create enough jetpacks for all of us. Roman and Neo, your jetpacks will disappear after 10 seconds so that should give you enough time to get back to your base.

Roman: Well since this will be the last time we'll be seeing each other for a while. It was nice working with you.

Arron: You too Roman. Now let's hurry up and round up all the dust ammo we have. 

 (time skip)

We were a few miles away from where all the Grimm are. We would have to move as fast as humanly possible to be able to get to Beacon.

Arron: Okay just remember. Roman and Neo, you two have to fly away as quickly as possible and count to ten because that's when the jetpacks will run out.

Sandro: We'll be able to create a small window of time to be able to get through all the Grimm so you two better make it count. 

Y/n: Neo, you better make sure that Roman gets out since he's the paying us. We are getting paid right Roman.

Roman: Yes y/n. You all will get paid 10 thousand liens for helping us out.

Scarlet: Good now lets hurry and create that small window.

Galactic:...*starts walking towards the Grimm with the bomb*

We all followed Galactic to the Grimm. We were jumping tree to tree to make sure that the Grimm don't spot us. We made it to where all the Grimm were and saw that Beacon was a couple of miles away. We should be able to have enough time to get through all the Grimm without trouble if nothing goes wrong.

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