Forever Falls

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Your pov

I fell asleep on my bed which I missed for days now. I covered myself up and fell asleep quickly.

(dream world)

I looked around and saw the same cave which I last saw Odd. I looked around but Odd was nowhere to be seen. I looked around the house and saw that everything was white. I saw four doors and each one had a name. Odd, Inky, Galactic, and a big room with a glitched out writing. ☼︎⬥︎♌︎⍓︎ no idea what that says. I went up to the glitched out room but before I could reach the doorknob I was suddenly pulled away by blue strings.

(real world)



Scarlet: FIRETRUCKS!!!


I looked around and saw that I may have accidentally woke everyone up screaming.

Y/n: sorry just a nightmare.

Arron: Next time have your nightmare when I'm not in the best part of my dream.

Sandro: Well at least your nightmare woke us up 30 minutes before our field trip.

yas: what field trip?

Sandro:...Am I the only person who pays attention around here? We have to go to forever falls.

Arron: Is it a cool field trip?

Sandro: Unless you find collecting sap and babysitting cool then no.

Scarlet: Someone better get hurt then.

Y/n: Knowing the school. Someone will.

Arron: Does anyone know how much longer till we get to do our job with Roman?

Sandro: Just a few more days. This whole school thing is getting boring.

Arron: We already know how to take down Grimm and what's the point of learning history.

Y/n: I have no idea but let's just get ready.


We were in forever falls and I can tell why they call it that. This place looks like it never experienced a different season. Since my team was forced to babysit the students and collect sap, we were forced to split up. I was following Jaune and team crdl. Cardin magically healed even though every single bone in his torso and legs were broken.

Jaune pov

Cardin: okay buddy, that essay you wrote for me tells me that these wasps love saps so I want you to do me a little favor.

I looked down and saw team nght but y/n wasn't with them. I looked at Cardin and saw that he was trying to hand me three jars of sap. I grabbed one and start to hold it tightly.

Cardin: I want you to throw these jars filled with sap at nght. If they think they can embarrass without consequences, then there are wrong. I want you to throw these jars of sap at them or I'll have a chat with Goodwitch and you'll be on the first bullhead out of here.

I don't know what to do. On one hand, I have the chance to escape cardins hold on me but it means getting nght hurt or Cardin will kill me before I even have the chance of calling help. I grab the jar harder and start to take aim. I was about to throw it when something clicked inside my head. I quickly turned around and threw the jar at Cardin but he caught it.

Cardin: That wasn't very smart jauney boy.

He walked over to me with the jar and opened it. He grabbed some sap from the jar and slapped me with the sap.

Cardin: No one tries to backstab me without consequences.

(time pause)

Odd: Okay for this scene, the cliff will be a lot bigger than in the actual show. It will be big enough to break his aura and a few bones.

(time resume)

He grabbed me and started to punch me. He threw me to his teammates and they started to torture me. Cardin grabbed me again and tried to punch me but a blinding light happened and I was suddenly healed.

Cardin: well that was an impressive light but here's when you fall.

Cardin punched me which made me fall from the cliff. I started to fall but before I could reach the ground, something grabbed onto me and pulled me back to the cliff.

Y/n: Okay I finally have enough evidence to get Cardin kicked out of beacon. how you doing jaune?

Jaune: Y/n, I thought you were with your team.

Y/n: good thing I wasn't or else you would have to be explaining to glydna why you have broken legs.

Cardin: You have some nerve showing your face to me again loser.

Y/n: Okay let's make this quick because I have to tell Glydna why you should be kicked out.

I let go of jaune and he instantly went into his pose to fight back against Cardin. I rushed to the nobody's and started to take them out one by one. Russel tried to sneak attack me but I grabbed him and used him as a human shield to block sky's attack. Once Russel's aura depleted, I threw him at sky while sneakfully shoot sky in the stomach which made him fall to the ground. I activated Pain and punched the ground. It broke through Dove's aura almost instantly before knocking him out.  I walked over to sky and just punched him which knocked him out.

Y/n: How did any of you survive initiation? Your weaker then a baby Beowulf

Jaune: A little help here y/n.

I looked at jaune and saw that he was having trouble taking down Cardin. I just summoned a shadow sword and threw it at Cardin. The sword stabbed him straight into the back which distracted him long enough for jaune to take him down.

Y/n: now that was easy jaune, let's go back to Goodwitch so she can expel these idiots.

Jaune: I just want to say thanks y/n, if you weren't here I would probably be dead.

Y/n: don't say that jaune, you may be weak but you can have a lot of potential.

Jaune: you think so y/n?

Y/n: yeah jaune but let's go before something else happens.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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