💔 C H A P T E R T W O 💔

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HOLY mother of pearl I've never seen someone so gorgeous. I mean Darrien with his blue eyes- why am I thinking about my ex-boyfriend at a time like this. Noticing that his hand was still out for me to shake, I quickly took his soft yet rough hand; seeing the way it almost covered mine.

"Genelle." I spat out, mentally banging my head against a wall. Get yourself together, I know it's been a few years! "My name's Genelle." I laugh, looking around to see some of the guests looking over at the two of us and mainly at Justin's shirt.

"Pleasure to meet you Genelle. I'm going to go change my shirt but don't move because I owe you a glass of champagne and strawberries." He winks, walking out of the double doors. Plopping down in an empty seat, I hit my forehead a few times with the palm of my hand.

"Quite a show back there, who's the lucky guy?" Camilla laughs, Sam slinging an arm over my shoulder as he chuckles. Nudging him off of me, I shake my head.

"I don't know, I was just trying to move around these tables to enjoy some chocolate covered strawberries and they ended up on the floor and my drink ruined his shirt!" I said, throwing my hands up in exasperation whole Same chuckles. "This night is so boring." I sigh, resting my chin on the palm of my hand.

"Alright, you can go home. It's okay." Camilla smiles, rubbing my arm. "I know you've had a rough few years but I know you're going to find that someone and feel like it's Valentine's Day every year." I smile softly at her before the lovely couple walked off again to speak with a group of their friends. Going back to grab another plate of strawberries, I now sat in the back munching on them and watching all the loved of couples around me.

"I figured you would have disappeared." Looking over to see Justin taking a seat right next to me with two glasses of the champagne and handing one to me. Taking the glass, I noticed his shirt was now a black and white checkered shirt with made his tattoos stand out even more and his muscles. "So, where's your date?" He asks, leaning back in his chair and taking a sip of his drink, eyeing me. Feeling shivers run up my spine from his intense stare, I cleared my throat before I choked on the bit of strawberry in my mouth.

"I don't have one, my friends dragged me here tonight because I haven't gone out on this specific holiday in over three years." I rambled on, drinking half the glass and shrugging. His phone pinged on the table as the name Madelaine sprawled across the screen. Ignoring the message, my eyes averted away from the screen and onto the decoration in front of me. "Girlfriend?"

He smirks and crosses his arms over his chest, his arms getting five times bigger. Taking a napkin, I discreetly wiped my mouth of any leftover chocolate; maybe a little drool.

"No, she's more of a friend." He shrugs, I raise a brow at him and he chuckles. "You mentioned you haven't celebrated this holiday in over three years, how come?" He asks. Puffing out a sigh, I crossed my legs and looked at him.

"Let's just say it stayed within the family and they're about to have their first kid." I snort, waving my hand. "Valentine's was never my thing anyways so why bother." I shrug, eating the last strawberry and watching him, watch me.

"Ouch." He purses his lips and shakes his head. "Well, why don't we change your little boycott?" He smirks, leaning forward.

"What do you mean?" I ask, my brows furrowing together. He didn't say a word as he stood up, grabbing his coat along with mine and heading out out of the room. Confused, I followed him quickly. "What are you doing?" I call after him, hearing his slight chuckle as we made it to his Porsche.

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