~That Place~

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     The alarms blared in his ears, ringing throughout the facility. This was it. He can escape from this hellish place. He heard thundering footsteps nearing him so he made a run for it. He heard one of the men call something to the other then the heavy, metal door started closing, he sped up. He was almost there, just a little further and he would make it out. "Just a little more, just a little more," he whispered to himself as he ran as fast as he could towards the closing door. He was getting closer, "I'm gonna make it, I'm gonna make it," he motivated himself. Just a little closer and he would make it, but he was too late, the door closed with a *clink*, he tried to stop but the slick, cold concrete didn't allow his paws any friction, running full-speed into it with an even louder *thunk*, then everything went dark.

    Nero woke with a start, panting heavily, shaking and sweating.  It wasn't the first time he's had a dream about that place, It made him shiver just thinking about it. Or was he still shaking from his dream? Probably both. He took a few deep breaths, although they didn't help much, and he shakily got to his paws. He was in wolf form, like usual, he didn't much like going into his human form. He doesn't wanna see the scars left from that place

     He noticed his tongue was dry, probably from the heavy breathing in his sleep, so he walked through the forest on shaky paws. He didn't have any way to blend into the colors of the forest with his unusual coloring. A violet coat with a white underbelly, chest, and paws.  Not very subtle for a forest, maybe he could pretend to be an oversize flower if he really tried. That was ridiculous though, nothing would be stupid enough to fall for that.  

     His stomach growled, longing for something filling. That place didn't feed him well, and he was never taught how to hunt so doesn't know how to get his own food so he doesn't have much of an option of meat unless it's already dead. He's also very thin, he looks so fragile it looks like he would break at the slightest bump. But, contrary to what you might think, his looks do not deceive you, he isn't very strong and he's a bit small, or, what he would say, fun sized. 

     The water did nothing to sooth his scratchy throat at the moment, but it did fill his thirst and clear his head a little. After he was done he walked away, aimlessly. He didn't want to stay in one place for too long in case they found him and tried to take him back to that horrid place. The place he was experimented on. The place that scarred him, physically and emotionally. The place where he was taken from his family. The place he never in a million years wants to go back to.

   The steady flow of the water followed him as he walked along the bank. It was peaceful. Calming. It made him want to stare at it and watch the flow until his eyes fell out of his head. It cleared his head. It was his favorite thing about the wild. The peacefulness. But he couldn't stare at the water all day, he needed to move somewhere else before they get him again and take him back to that place. It was only morning, so he had plenty of time to find a new place to make his temporary den. 

Nero's P.O.V

     As I walk I watch my paws move over the lush grass then bump, I jumped back, my body automatically close to the ground, my tail between my legs, my ears back. I realized I had only bumped into a tree, god, I need to learn to watch where I'm going. I stood up and walked around the tree, at least I didn't actually run into the tree, now that would have hurt, probably, I've never run full speed into a tree. I don't really want to either. 

     As I continue to walk along the bank and come across some bushes, except, these had little round orbs on them. Small, blue orbs. Are they edible or just for decoration? I rather not take the chance of dying from something that small. I kept walking, jeez, I need to find something to eat soon. 

     I walk for a while more, having no luck with finding any food I walk back to the river. I'm not fit to survive out here... Something is eventually going to happen to me. I know nothing about the wild, how do I expect to survive? Maybe I should have stayed- NO, I can't believe I would think that. Anywhere is better than that place. I'm not going back there, not even when I die. Which may not be long away if I don't find something to eat soon. 

     Out of luck, I find a rabbit corpse in a bush next to the river bank, It doesn't seem like its too old, still fresh, let's just hope the animal that killed it still isn't here. I pick the corpse up and drag it to a hole under a tree, smelled like an abandoned fox hole, thank the lord the scent was stale. Once I had settled myself I finish what's left of the rabbit, no, it wasn't the best, but its the best meal I've had in a few days. 

Third Person P.O.V

     Once Nero had finished his meal he pushed the bones to the side and debated if he should get out of the hole or not. He felt safe for once, hidden under a tree in the tight space of the fox den. The warmth and darkness of the den. The peacefulness, it was quiet and safe. 

     Nero was being pulled into a bright white room. An operating table stood in the center of it, a silver tray of doctor's tools next to it. His hands were cuffed behind his back, two guards had their hands clamped on his shoulder, leading him towards the table. He tried to get out of their grip but they were much stronger than him. The thin gown he had been given when he first arrived gave him no warmth causing him to shiver in the cold room. Once they had gotten him over there one of the guards had instructed him, rather coldly and firmly, to lay on the metal table. He obeyed and laid down, then they strapped him down with thick leather buckles. It was a lot colder than the room its self, he was surprised it wasn't shaking from how much he was shivering. A few minutes later, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a tall man with a white lab coat, gloves, and mask walk over to him, picking up one of the clean silver tools, expecting it, then slowly bringing it down to him. 

     Nero jolted awake, panting and shaking. He frantically looked around. No white room, only the dirt walls of the fox den. He let out a breath of relief, his heart rate starting to going back to normal. He peeked out the entrance of the den, it was already dusk, how had he slept so long? He didn't care, he just needed a drink before he died of thirst. 

     Nero climbed out of the den then walked back to the river, his ears perked for anything that could be out to kill him. He was even more paranoid the darker it got. Who knows what could be hiding in the shadows? He certainly didn't wanna know, only someone crazy would. He glanced around often and soon got to the river, he took a few sips, starting to relax but then, he heard something behind him, he quickly turned around, eyeing a certain large bush. A deep growl emitted from it, then It lunged at him, Nero didn't have time to see what it was before it had knocked him to the ground. His head hit something then everything went dark.

A/N: Ehhhhhh, this chapter inst even super long, only 1369 words, oh well, here's the first chapter, enjoy! ^w^

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