~The bad boy, or is he?~

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Jason's P.O.V

     As I listen to the mindless chattering of my "friends" while I puffed on my cigarette, I started to slip away into my thoughts. Just peaceful thinking. Well, maybe not peaceful for some people, but peaceful for me. Some might call my thinking, well... sick, disgusting, unnatural, weird, etc., but I don't care what they think, I have my three friends who accept me for who I am. 

     "Jason, you alive buddy?"

     I snap out of my thoughts and open my eyes, looking over at Andrew. I took the cigarette out of my mouth then blew the smoke out to the side, "what do you want?" I asked with a cold hearted glare.

     "Jeez grumpy, I just thought you fell asleep," he said with that stupid eyebrow raise of his. Ugh, he is such an idiot.

     "Why the hell would I be asleep, dumb ass," I rolled my eyes with my arms crossed, who cares if I looked like an asshole, or even acted like one. 

    "Chill your language Jay. Jeez, moody much," Alyssa, Andrew's twin sister, said with her famous sassy pose. Why am I even friends with these blonds? 

     "Stop calling me Jay," I directed with another puff of my cigarette before throwing it into the grass next to me, stepping on it as I stood up from my leaning position on the wall and exhaling the smoke. 

     "Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay," Alyssa repeated annoyingly.

     "I hate you, you know that right?" I crossed my arms, clearly agitated. 

     "No you don't, you love us," she smirked as she gestured at her and Andrew. 

     "Why don't you go make out with Anne somewhere?" I suggested, watching her face turn red, she opened her mouth clearly about to cuss me out before Andrew interrupted.

     "Speak of the devil, there she is," Andrew smirked as Alyssa quickly turned around to see Anne walking over to us in her classic hoodie with her hood over her head and her hands in her pockets. She never talked a lot, or really even smiled. 

     We don't really know much about Anne but what we do know is Alyssa has a major crush on her. It's quite fun to tease her about it actually. Well It's only fun until she blackmails me, then It's obviously not. 

     "H-hey Anne," Alyssa stuttered and I rolled my eyes, Andrew snickered a bit and Anne just acknowledged it with a half hearted nod. 

     They chatted for a while, me just listening to the mindless talking. Soon the bell rang and we headed inside to go to our last few classes. Thank the lord school was almost over, I could always just skip school but then I would still be bored. I sat in the very back of the class like always, where I couldn't really hear the teacher too well and she doesn't notice me, It's a win win for me. Now I just have to wait until the end of school. 

     I woke up to the bell ringing, I opened my eyes and saw no one in the class. Weird, I don't remember falling asleep. I got up and looked at the time, 2:30 pm. End of the day already, guess no one had the balls to wake me up. Wusses, all of them. I don't really care, school is a waste of time anyways. I packed up my stuff and walked out of school, ignoring any students who were still in the halls. Of course the students all tried to avoid me too, not sure why but maybe they were scared of me. Good, they should be.

Third Person P.O.V

     Jason got to the edge of the forest, his backpack over his right shoulder, and he walked along the dirt path. He knew this path and this forest like the back of his hand. He had walked this path for years so it was kinda hard not to. He kept his hands in his pockets only taking one of them out to run his hand through his jet black hair and stopping to pick his beanie up which he had just knocked off his head forgetting he had it on. He put his hands back in his pocket after putting his beanie back on and continuing to walk.

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