Chapter 17

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- Y/N's POV- 

We were almost at Taehyung's house but the whole time I had something on my mind...What does he actually know? It's obvious that he knows I got kicked out of my apartment but does he also know about my father's debt? I'm not sure what Mrs.Min actually did tell Taehyung. The thing is if he knows I did get kicked out of my apartment but not about my father's debt wouldn't he be wondering why I got kicked out? I mean the salary I get is enough to pay my rent each month. It's just that because I have my father's debt that I need to pay monthly I get short with money. But up till now, he hasn't asked me why I got kicked out. Or maybe he isn't interested in the reason.

We finally arrived at Taehyung's house. The big house stood empty the only living being inside was Yeontan greeting us warmly. Taehyung instantly started to laugh while seating on the floor taking in his warm welcome from his dog. Looking at the scene heart flutter. Seeing Taehyung his soft side makes me feel some type of way. But even now a smile just wouldn't appear on my face. I felt....emotionally exhausted. The fact that I'm losing all my stuff and things that held a dear meaning to me made me break from inside. It's hard....going through all of this alone. No family members to support me no mother nor father. Yeontan made his way to my feet looking at me with his smile like face barking. I forced a smile on my face while bending over to pet him. Once he walked away I felt Taehyung his hand slip in mine taking me by surprise.

''I will show you to your room'' he announced making me just nod. Why wasn't he being annoying like usual? Maybe he noticed that I was feeling down I guess. My eyes stayed focus on his hand holding mine while we made our way upstairs. It felt...nice. It felt like having actually someone here for you to help you through the tough times. Although of course, Taehyung doesn't know anything, just him holding my hand like this made it feel like I'm not alone. 

We soon reached the familiar upper floor and my eyes fell on his bedroom door. I wouldn't be surprised if this pervert tells me that I have to share his room with him. Weirdly enough he guided me to a door that was 2 doors away from his bedroom. 

''Are you ready to see it?'' He asked and I could see his eyes sparkle. What was he getting so excited over? I'm sure this is just one of his guest rooms. He opened the door wide showing the room instantly to me and my mouth fell open. I felt him let go of my hand as I stepped inside taking a better look.

All my stuff is in here......The room was even decorated in the way how I had everything standing at my own apartment. The room Taehyung has in his house are enormous so even the living room part he displayed here. It was like having my own tiny apartment back again minus the kitchen. In shock, I started to scan everything as I felt my heart race. I made my way to my closet opening it and noticed all my old clothes in it. Even the ones that I brought to Mrs.Min her house. Looking at my bed my eyes fell on the familiar picture frame of my parents and me when I was 7. Right now I just felt like crying. I can't believe Taehyung did all of this.....for me. I heard his footsteps from behind me walking towards me. 

''I know it's not exactly the same, the kitchen is missing obviously and some things aren't exactly placed the same way, but I hope you still like it'' He spoke while approaching me. I placed the picture frame down instantly turning around when I noticed he reached me. I was shocked by my own actions as I flung my arms around his waist resting my head against his chest while tears escaped my eyes. 

''Thank you....'' Was all I could say through my sobbing tears. Right now all the emotional feelings I kept inside were starting to get out. I felt him place one of his hand on my lower back while the other one was stroking my hair. I wonder why? Why is Taehyung such a jerk to me and then nice? 

''You should have just told me you got kicked out'' He muttered softly. I couldn't help but focus on his voice that sounded so gentle and worried. He lightly placed his chin on top of my head as he continued comforting me. 

''I didn't think you would care'' I sniffed feeling my tears drying up. At first, I thought Taehyung just saw me as a toy for his needs nothing more, but right now I feel like I mean more to him. The thought alone made me smile, but it's just a thought. What if I'm just completely wrong? 

''Of course, I care'' he muttered extremely soft. Almost as if he wasn't even talking to me but more himself. My crying had already stopped yet we stayed in the same position. Right now I didn't feel emotional anymore I felt happy. I was wrong about being alone. I have Mrs.Min, I have Jimin and obviously, I have Taehyung to rely on when I need. I carefully placed my hands on his chest pushing myself out of the embrace. 

Looking up at him our eyes instantly locked. I couldn't help but smile, but seeing him look so deeply at me kinda made me nervous. 

''Thank you Taehyung....I'm so grate-'' I got cut off and the smile on my face disappeared while my eyes were widened. He had a firm grip on my waist and back pushing me close to him while his lips were sealed with mine. The amount of force he had made me hold on to his lower waist and shoulder in order to stay in place and not fall over. His lips were moving against mine and at a certain point, I started to close my eyes. He started to deepen the kiss, tilting his face. I felt his warm hand move away from my back only to reach for my jaw slowly tracing from there over my neck and shoulder. I felt my legs go weak at his touch and the sudden kiss. His teeth slowly sank into my bottom lip and I felt my face heat up knowing I slightly parted them, only to grant him access with his tongue. My hands started to clutch on his clothes feeling the hand that was on my waist travel downwards till my inner thigh while his tongue was being dominant over mine. I should push him off me.....but my body didn't want to. 

Suddenly all the heat in my body disappeared once Taehyung pushed himself away from me. His cheeks were tinting red while he rubbed his forehead looking at the ground.

''I'm sorry.....I will go'' He muttered to the ground before leaving my room as fast as he could making sure to close the door. I felt my face flush and all the spots he touched started to heat up longing for it again. 

What's wrong with me?!

I was actually...enjoying that.....



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