Chapter 22

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I could feel myself flipping over in panic mode while pressing my body against the door. This thing doesn't have a lock! I'm so screwed.

''Lo-'' right when Taehyung was about to say something his words got caught off by his own phone ringing. Hearing him answer his voice started to become softer along with the sound of his footsteps. He was walking away......Perhaps I was safe tonight. 


I sat in my room still not hearing anything from Taehyung. He has been on the phone for almost 20 minutes right now. Is everything alright? Not knowing why I headed to my door opening it ajar. Right, that moment I heard the sound of a door slamming shut and knew that it came from Taehyung his room. 

Something definitely happened. Did he get a bad phone call? I took a deep breath and finally decided to put myself out there. I tiptoed my way to his room already hearing him sigh from the other side.

''Taehyung?'' I called out with a soft knock on the door. Not getting a reply I decided to just open the door. Once I did I could see Taehyung standing by his desk looking through some sort of file. He was looking so tensed and didn't even bother to look up at me. 

''Is everything alright?'' I asked but once again no reply. I entered the room only to witness him sigh once again. Shortly after he did look at me but he didn't look happy. Somehow he looked sad. 

''Seems you're coming to me at your own will'' he chuckled a small smirk appearing on his face, but I could see right through his act. Something was up.....but of course, he wasn't planning on telling me. He dropped the file back on his desk before making his way towards me. His large hand wrapped around my wrist tightly yet gentle as he pulled me towards the bed. He seated down on it while yanking me towards him. His other hand reached for my body probably to make me sit on his lap facing him, so instead, I just obeyed making him confused.

''Taehyung'' I spoke with concern resting my hands on his shoulders. His hands rested around my waist as he tilted his head in a confusing way.

'''re not struggling'' he pointed out. 

''Taehyung.....What's going on?'' I could see that my question made him more confused but I couldn't help and start to worry more. 

''That phone call just now.....and these days you're so busy with work. I know it's not my place to ask but what are you actually working on? You seem so stressed out about i-''

''Like I said it's not your concern. I can take care of myself'' he spoke cutting me off. I was starting to get annoyed but the truth is actually I just felt useless. 

''Is it such a burden to just talk to me about it?'' I felt my chest tighten hearing myself say this. Removing my hands from his shoulders I averted my eyes to our laps. I guess Taehyung doesn't trust me the way I trust him. Why did I even think that perhaps we were more than just boss and employee?  I thought he would be talking to me about his worries, relieving some stress, but it's not like that.

''Y/N......'' Hearing him actually say my name this time must be because he is serious for once. Realizing how I have been thinking all this time I felt stupid. I like Taehyung. I do like him......and for some reason, I thought he liked me too. But I guess I was just totally wrong. It's because of the way he is with even when he grabs my wrist tight it's so gentle as well. And the small actions he does that make my heart flutter. I thought it was because he likes me.....but I'm sure it would have been the same with any other girl. 

A small dumbfounded laugh left my mouth as I shook my head.

''I feel so stupid...You know I never thanked you. For everything, you have done for me till now. Taking me in......buying me all those stuff. You know, don't you? Mrs.Min told you about my father's debt didn't she?'' As our eyes met I could see his eyes widen. 

''Don't look so shocked. You never asked why I wasn't able to pay my rent even while having a job and getting extra money from you. So I figured Mrs.Min has told you about my father's debt and that's why you never asked me.'' I explained. Taehyung his eyes turned soft while I could feel one of his hand releasing my waist in search for my hand. 

''I'm sorry'' he muttered making me shake my head.

''I'm thankful. I'm so thankful to you for doing all this, helping me out and just being here for me. And that's why I get upset if you tell me you can take of yourself when you're actually struggling with something. I want to help you out too,  I want to be here for you too. But you won't let me....'' I could feel a lump appear in my throat as my feelings just started to get too high. 

I noticed a small smile appearing on Taehyung his face while he leaned closer to me. His breath tickled my ear and right when he was about to say something I pushed his chest lightly away.

''You know what just forget what I said. I'm not making any sense'' I blurted out making him chuckle. I was about to get off his lap but immediately got pulled back once he noticed my actions.

''You're not going anywhere. Did you forget about yesterday?'' He questioned making me clench my jaw. His eyes turned dark as he looked right into mine. I could feel my heart race as he held that stare while loosening his necktie. Removing it from around is collar I already knew what he was planning on doing with it. I closed my eyes for a second knowing I was about to give myself to the devil. I pressed my wrists against one another while showing it to him.

''Let's just get this over with'' I sighed. He didn't say anything and made sure to tie it tightly around my wrists, no way for me to get free from this. He instantly pulled on it causing the distance between us to decrease. 

''I'm going to take my time'' he muttered against my lips while I felt one of his hand already started to unbutton my blouse.


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