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"Damn heavy rains!! But that can't stop me from going home. " I was still excited.
"Dude seriously!? It's raining cats and dogs!! You don't need to go home every fucking month-end!" Henny's usual dialogue.
"C'mon man! You know I have to goooo... Harry hasn't seen me throughout the month. Never knew just a neighbour can mean so much to you", I sighed dreamily."
"Hasn't seen you throughout the month huh!? So who was on the video call with you in the bath", her high pitched voice ringed from the other room.
"Shut up and bye!!" I rolled my eyes. Typical Henny.

"I am back!! Dude!!! You have to so listen to this!!! Soooo... Wait.. now where are you!?" I excitedly dragged myself into our apartment. It was funny how close we grew in these 5 years that now it would be really wierd if someone thinks Henny doesn't know something I do. She is literally my better half. "Henny Penny!! Where are you!?"
Ahh! There she was by the window staring outside(things she does when she's sad), guess she had a fight with her boyfriend again.
"Hey Hen! C'mon, I need to show you something!!" I said, though I wanted to ask her why she was sad, but well let's give her some time.

She turned and gave me this stunned look. Again.. Henny being Henny! I rolled my eyes at her. "Ok! So what drama are we doing right now?" Hen is so typically predictable. And her dramas, OMG, out of the world. Good that she took literature as her major.

"You can see me!?" She practically screamed.
"It's- You CAN'T see me" I said.
All she had was a blank expression on her face. God this girl!
"You can't see me - John Cena, leave it. You were acting wrong too though"
"What the fuck", she cried.
I had enough of this all and wanted to tell her about my purchase so I dragged her out to the living room.
"Look!!! It's nearly ready! I put it on as soon as I reached home. It will soon blow up to be 'our sofa bed'!! No dragging mattresses for movies n..."
Henny was staring at her hand where I held her as if it was some cockroach holding her. (She is shit scared of them)
"Are you okay!?" I asked.
"Omg! I'm so happy!" and she hugged me. I think she sort of started crying. But it was fine, I knew she hated being alone at home. I hugged her even tighter. She meant so much to me!

"Oh! Totally forgot! I met Mr. Geller in the parking. Said lunch at his place tomorrow. Wanted to be together in this sad time, something. What happened here, I have no clue!?" I said.

"Umm.. he.. his.. his cat died." She said.

"Oh.. poor little kitty. Old Mr Geller would be too lonely now. Oh.. now I get it. Ya sadness is over that cat. I thought it was a fight again."
She remained silent. Hen is such an animal person.
"Chill dude. Let's watch a movie I bought, on our new sofa obviously. Get the popcorns, turn down the lights baby!"
I was too excited for the sofa and all I wanted to do is watch movie and relax on this comfy comfy thing!
"Oh I can hold the bowl"
"Ok.. what the hell are you high on!?", Was all I could manage to say.
"Umm... I mean it's pretty hot and I can still hold it" she rolled her eyes at me.

Movie was till 11:30, and we ended up talking about stuff till 1 am in the morning. So us!
Hen was mostly quite today. I think she was too sad about the cat. I thought of giving her time and didn't ask her much.
And we slept like that on the sofa.
I rolled over on the bed and down.
Ouch! Oh the new sofa!
"Hey Hen, you up early?"
"It's 12pm my lady"
"Oh damn! Had to go for lunch at Mr Geller's. Hen! Get dressed! Don't wanna keep the old man waiting."
"I'm not feeling well. Why don't you go. Anyway I had cereals and 'm quite full."
"Dude... I .."
"Go! Don't wanna keep the old man waiting", she pushed me into the bathroom.
Within half hour I was ready to go, Henny still looked a bit upset, so I thought it's no good forcing her.
I gave her a small smile and left.
"Sorry Mr Geller, I kept you waiting. And Hen..."
"It's ok dear. I understand.. it's a tough time for all of us."
I wasn't that connected to his cat, but she was his only company and I think his only love too, so I think he thought she meant a lot to others too. Poor oldy.
"So, are you gonna move out now?"
"Oh, I just thought you would like to..... like you people were too close. I think at least you should at least go on a vacation for some days. You will feel better."
Now that's too much for a cat.
"Yeah I wish. But you know college and all, I have to stay here. Also this is the nearest place I have got from college."
"Oh my dear, don't be so hard on yourself. Let your emotions out. I understand, losing a bestfriend is too much pain."
"Well", I sort of gave a sheepish laugh,"I wasn't connected to your cat that much. Henny was. That's why..."
"Oh yeah, Snowy (the cat) will miss her too. Poor poor girl. Never thought she would leave us like that. We will keep you in our prayers Henny Brown. Rest in.."
"Snowy.. Mr Geller.. Snowy"
"Meow" I heard from behind me.
Snowy!? So who died now!?
"Mr Geller, Snowy is alive.....!?"
"Yeah... What will happen to her. Animals are happy in their own world, thank god they don't suicide... Shit! I'm so sorry Sasha! Didn't meant to hurt you."
Ok.. weird!
"Yeah, I'm fine... Ain't thinking about suicide bullshit.."
"My God! Henny's death has really made you cold..."
And this made me spit out my food.
"Sorry! But old man mind your tongue! Henny's perfectly fine. I don't know who died in your contacts, Hen told it was Snowy, so..."
"Calm down girl. I understand what you are going through. But accept the fact now, Henny's dead. And you have..."
"What the fuck is wrong with you old man! Why the hell are you saying she's dead, she's perfectly fine. I was with her some minutes ago. Is this some kind of joke to you!?" I lost my cool now. This man had have enough.
"SASHA! Come back to your senses! Henny's dead and saying she's not will not bring her back to life!"
"That's it!"I got up,"this is fucking too much now!"
"Oh really!? Read this news article for me then. Aloud." And he threw the newspaper at me.
Henny Brown, an 18 year old commited suicide on this Saturday. Her suicide note clearly states that college had tormented her to a level that she could not handle it anymore. Cops assume that it was because of the bullies and close the case. It is funny, how bulling is just another thing for the people....
I couldn't read it anymore. I didn't understand. I am sure she's fine cause I just met her. But the news...
I again went through the news... The photo, it was her..
"But.. but.. Mr Geller.. Hen... She.. we.. movie..."
"Sasha, have some water. You are stressing too much, it's..."
But I ran off, I had to see Henny. I was pretty sure I talked to her like.. like now!
"Henny! Henny!? You there!? Where are you!?"I was panicking.
"Relax grasshopper! I am here!" Her soothing voice calmed me down. And I ran to hug her. She was fine and this was just some fake news.
"God! Did you see the newspaper! Says you are dead. Lol"
She pushed me back. And took the newspaper from me. I bet it horrified her too. And I expected her to act crazy but she looked straight into my eyes with a expressionless face.
"I am dead" she said. And then everything started to get blurry, and I tried to reach out my hand to her as I started to fall.. everything went dark and her blank face was the last thing I remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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