Part Three - Live show

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Joe's POV
Today was that day of the first live show and to say that I was nervous was an understatement. I was petrified. Petrified of messing up, petrified of letting Dianne down, petrified of the whole situation to be honest.

I looked over at my alarm clock to see that it was only 6am. I didn't need to be at elstree studio until 9am, but I decided to get up anyway. I had time to make Alexa her favourite breakfast - pancakes - before I needed to drop her off at my mum's house and get to the studio. I got out of bed throwing on T-shirt and some sweatpants deciding not to style my hair this morning - I was going to get it done in hair and make up anyway so what's the point.

Walking around the kitchen I collected all the ingredients for pancakes. I set them down on the side before going over to the cupboards and getting out a pan. As I turned back around again I saw Alexa walk over to me clutching onto her giraffe teddy AKA patch - she takes it EVERYWHERE with her she has since the day she was born. She rubbed her eyes sleepily before reaching her arms above her head for me to pick her up.
"Good morning Lexi. How was your sleep?"
"My sweep was good" she replied.
"Good now would you like to help me make pancakes"
"Pancakes!!" She exclaimed as I put her down on the counter top laughing at how much energy she had at such an early time in the morning.

So we set off making pancakes - I say we I actually mean me, Alexa just sat on the side 'sneakily' eating the fruit that I had cut up to put on the pancakes. Once they were done, we ate the pancakes while talking about the live show.

"Are you excited to watch daddy on the tv tonight Lexi" I asked.
"Yeah you and Dianne. She's pwetty like Ariel"
"She is isn't she" I laughed at the little mermaid reference. " she's beautiful just like Ariel."
And then Alexa asked the dreaded question. "Can I meet her?"
"One day you can princess I promise" I said hoping that she would forget about meeting her.
I did want to tell Dianne I did I was still just scared of what she would think of me.

Dianne's POV
I woke up this morning feeling really excited about the show later tonight. I rushed around the house making sure that I had everything, I didn't need to be there until nine but I decided to go for around half eight as I was just super excited! I also heard Joe telling Stacey that he was going to be there for around half eight as well as he didn't want to be late - like he was for the first day of rehearsals - so that he could make a good impression on the producers of the show. I couldn't wait to see Joe, I hoped that he was going earlier so that I could talk to him before everyone else arrived. I didn't need to speak to him about anything important I just  wanted to speak to him. I know that having a crush on your dance partner isn't the greatest thing but I can't help it. Joe's really funny and nice and handsome and - I'll stop. There's no point of carrying on it's not like he would like me back, he's probably got a secret girlfriend or something.

Flash forward to after the show.

I'm so proud of Joe he did so well out there and the audience LOVED him. I did get to speak to him earlier as like he said he turned up early so we had a long conversation in his dressing room. The conversation went on the relationships and I found out that he doesn't have a girlfriend! However that doesn't matter as why would he go for someone like me?

Joe's POV
I had so much fun out there and the audience seemed to love me, I didn't think they would as I thought they would think I'm not a proper celebrity or something. Anyways when I turned up early this morning I found Dianne who was also early. We had a long conversation in my dressing room. After a while the conversation went onto relationships and I found out that she doesn't have a boyfriend! However that doesn't matter as why would she go for someone like me. Especially someone who has a secret daughter.

Authors note -
The next chapter is going to have a jump to movie week. I know that I'll miss out a week but I'm not planning on doing every week anyways.
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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