The Battle of the Bows

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Athena has updated her status: So I found this diary...


Nico: Kill me now

Thanatos: That can be arranged, but you just came back from the dead, are you sure?

Nico: 1.) I didn't mean it and 2.) I NEVER DIED!!!

Thanatos: Shhhh no one needs to know that

Leo: I heard a diary is involved?

Athena: Yes, I believe it's Nico's, although for some reason the inscription on the cover is in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Nico: Heh heh, long story...

Zeus: I new Hades children were trouble, he's associated with the Egyptians

Nico: -_- 

ThaliaG: what Egyptians?

Zeus: Nothing sweetheart, just go back to hitting the pizza delivery guy over the head with a rock

ThaliaG: How did you know what I was doing?

Zeus: I'm watching you

ThaliaG: That's creepy....

ThaliaG: Where did the pizza go?

ThaliaG: Girls?

ThaliaG: Somebody stole my pizza! And after I went to all that trouble to knock the guy out too!

ThaliaG: This happens everytime!

Artemis: Well it wasn't me. I'm stuck in CHB in archery class with a bunch of Apollo spawn who believe they can shoot (-.-)

ThaliaG: You speak like you've done this before...

Artemis: No

ThaliaG: Do you swear on the Styx

Artemis: No

Apollo: My children can shoot! And besides! You're on your phone in the middle of class!

Artemis: So are you!

Will Solace: Am I supposed to defend my cabin's honor against insults from a goddess of archery?

Zeus: She's a demigod today, so do what you normally do

Will Solace: I can shoot! We are the best archers in Camp, including the Romans!

Octavian: Archery is pitiful and full of cowardice

          Will Solace has logged off

          Artemis has logged off

          Apollo has logged off

Percy Jackson has uploaded a multimedia: [It takes place in the archery lane. The camera is pointed at Artemis -- who looks like her normal twelve year old self in a CHB t-shirt. Apollo stands several feet away, looking like a clash of Jason and Luke, also in a CHB t-shirt and jeans. Will Solace is teaching some of the younger campers that it's as about as okay to shoot Chiron's butt as it is to call him a pony. Every so often, he glances down at his phone. Suddenly the three of them yelled out in disgust and ran toward the cabins, the gods held bows that appeared out of thin air, and Will grab his off the ground, while at the same time, drawing an arrow from his quiver. The holder of the phone took off after them. The found Octavian walking in front of the cabins. Simultaneously, they drew back the wires of their bows and let the arrows fly. Octavian let out a rather girlish scream as he got pinned by the shirt right under his arms to the golden Apollo cabin, a millisecond later the third arrow --Will's--thunked right above his head, grazing the top if his head. Will smirked silently as the twin gods approached.]


Octavian: Greeks deal with their problems in very uncivilized ways

Octavian: OW!

Will: Aww my wittle five year old sister Ally just ran up to Octavian and stabbed him in the foot with a golden arrow. Good girl!

Will has uploaded a multimedia: [Video of Ally chasing after Octavian holding the arrow like a knife screaming, "DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!"]


Reyna: aww...she's so adorable

Roman Apollo: And that, children, is how Greeks handle their problems

Apollo: I know...I'm so proud of them too *wipes away tear* They grow up so fast

Hades: ANd then they die

Apollo: Way to ruin the moment.

Artemis: Still, you're children's archery skills are pitiful

Will: Oh! You wanna go!

Percy Jackson: Dude, she's still a goddess...and she has a bad habit for turning people into jackalope

Percy Jackson: Yes, I was silently watching this whole time

Percy Jackson: Because I am cool like that

Will Solace: Well as of now, she's a demigoddess so I can --- AGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! A CRAZY WOMAN IN CAMO WITH RABBIT EARS IS SHOOTING AT ME!!!

Nico: This sounds familiar

Neith: THE ZOMBIE APOCALYSPE HAS STARTED!!!! *shoots everything that moves*

Artemis: Who's that?

Nico: That would be Neith...the Egyptian goddess of the hunt...

Artemis: Ugh...she's worst than Diana


Demeter: *appears at camp* Would you care for some one hundred percent organic, gluten free, whole wheat cereal?

Iris: ...

Neith: Are you part of the Jelly Babies conspiracy?

Percy Jackson: What the Hades...

Hades: *climbs onto roof* *pulls out slingshot* *shoots pomegranate* *hits Percy in the head*

Percy Jackson: Ow...*rubs head*

Demeter: No...

Neith: Then I would love some! What are you opinions on macramé?

Zeus: And this is what happens when you let the Egyptians control three fourths of the world's sunlight. 


Shadowsleek had updated her status: And there you have it folks! I just finished the Kane Chronicles if you can't tell, and I have natural knack for Egyptian mythology, thanks to a strange childhood, wikipedia, and Google. This one is dedicated to SingingSilentlyFF for voting and commenting yesterday. Yay! For new reader! And she knows who the Animorphs are and stuff! YAYAY!

Note: If you want to read a funny, cute, uncliché, PJO Chaos Story, Check out This is War, Also by me! PLEEEEEASE!!!! You'll like it!

Vote, Comment, and Check out This is War!

Seriously do it!


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