PTSD: The Aftermath

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This one shot was requested by loopyarts. This is such an interesting idea, and I hope I got the general feeling/idea right!

Its only been a few days since I was released from my pod... After the NEO WORLD Program was shut down, one by one everyone woke up. First, it wss Byakuya and myself and... I couldn't hold myself together. I broke down and fell to my knees while crying in front of him, apologizing for killing him. I didn't mean to... I just wanted to save everyone from Nagito's plan... But deep down, I guess I was also motivated to see Mama, to see the diner... to go home. However, under Byakuya's cold facial expression, I saw eyes that were warm and reassuring. He gave me a pat on the back and told me, "It's alright. Now pull yourself together, we can't have everyone seeing the fun-loving Teruteru in shambles when they awake." I looked up at the Affluent Progeny, who stared down at me with his ice cold blue eyes, and as he adjusted his white glassed on his round face, I saw that he forgave me. I was thankful..
Then, one by one, more people began to emerge from their pods. First it was Mahiru, followed by Peko Hiyoko and Ibuki emerged next, with Mikan not far behind. I wouldnt say this out loud, but dhe kinda scared me, shes so different. She's INSANE, going on about how she was supposed to see her love after she was executed, and about despair... It sent chills down my spine.
After Mikan came Nekomaru and Gundham. I never expected those two to be killed, but I suppose it was for a good reason. Despite what Gundham lets on, everyone knows he has a good heart.
Then came Nagito, who explained his trial and his death. Chiaki was a traitor? Oh wait... I think I remember now... Chiaki was killed.. before... All of a sudden, tears started to form in my eyes, and Im not sure if they were those of rage or sadness but they were something I guess...
I read snapped out of my thoughts as the "survivors" woke up. Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, Sonia, and Akane. Im glad they managed to keep their promises. And one by one, people ran to each other, the killers went to their victims and apologized, the survivors reunited with their friends who were killed/executed. Even I was given love, which I found as a surprise. I didn't think anyone would want to talk to me after I started the killing game. But everyone was so kind, and so understanding. After eveything that happened, I'm just glad the all, or shall i say most (excluding Mikan), came out of the NEO WORLD Program okay.

Or thats what I thought.
Months after the killing game, I have been suffering with PTSD from the events of both the killing game and my life as a Remnant of Despair. It's awful living in fear that someone may trigger something inside me and send me spiralling down the path of despair again.
I don't let it get to me though. I stand ground and no matter what, I'll always be myself. My perverted nature and all. I'll be cooking in my mama's name, and fighting to keep the Hanamura Diner alive. It's awful what happened to mama.. she collapsed while I was overcome with despair. No one was around to help her, and she passed away in that there Diner. I miss mama every day, but I'm always gonna keep her close to my heart.
Despair is necessary gonna over take me again. In the name on the Hanamura Diner, for my friends... And for mama.

AHHHH! It's done!! I hope this came out ok! I kinda wanted to give him a happy ending, all while living with his disorder. I actually had fun writing this, so thank you so much for requesting this idea!!
(Total Word Count: 664)

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