Chapter 1: Getting-To-Know

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"It's raining really hard tonight", I thought of myself. Right now, I'm enjoying the idea of the non-stop flowing of rain drops through my window, the whipping of strong wind against it, the struggling leaves fighting for their survival, the sound and the roaring of thunder, the surprising flash from the lightning strike. I know it's hard to understand, but somehow I feel so happy about it, I know it's weird, but that's how I feel about it. "Well that's how I love the rain", trying to convince myself. "That's how I remember that night and that's how I pictured him", I oddly said to myself.

"It's been 2 years lucky guy", I uttered while listening to a very familiar song; resting my back on the bed inside my room. Then I sat up and sighed heavily, "I wonder how's he doing right now?" I just thought after seeing the necklace he lost that night, is now on my possession...



Going back to the song I was listening, I sang along with it, holding my headset while grooving with the music and closing my eyes, " Ohhh...." 

♪♪  But you didn't have to cut me off

Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing

And I don't even need your love

But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough

No you didn't have to stoop so low

Have your friends collect your records and then change your number

I guess that I don't need that though

Now you're just somebody that I used to know  ♪♪

This is my all time favorite, "I just love the melody and its lyrics, especially Tiffany's Cover". I've been with this song after my first heart break with Leigh three years ago, well it's kinda my pacifier since then. "Yeah right, I suffered and lived like hell for almost a year because of that...", I paused for a while then continued, "But still here I am, waiting for him to come back", feeling my tears running down, "And I still want him now".

Everything's clear for me, "We were never together though, there's no us between the two of us, and we never had an official intimate relationship and that's what I hate the most. I know he likes me, and I like him too." I shook my head of, and stood, "NO! I love him", I admit it. But he did not make any moves. Then I ended up saying, "We remained friends for over 10 years".

That confused me even more, he showed me that he cared, that he liked me, that he wanted only me, but he never even dare to tell right to my face how he really feels about  me. My heart is pounding again, as if the pain happened just yesterday, "They say actions speak louder than words?" I questioned my own thoughts, and answered it too, "No! I don't believe it."

"Because actions without confirmation, brought only confusion and heartbreaks...", that I bet, trust me, I was once a willing victim of it. 

"You heard me right. I, Sophia Sylvestre, experienced downfall in life too." Maybe for others it's hard to believe, because I came from a rich family and I have everything I need in life. But that is where they are wrong, "Because I can't get the only person I want in life."

"Oh my God!" my thoughts are screaming. This is just the first chapter right? Here I am over exaggerating everything, well anyway, "I am Sophia Sylvestre, and this is my heart-breaking story..."



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