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(Mel's P.O.V.)

~After fixing Mel's cheek~

"Thanks Mom." I said. "No problem Sweetheart." She responded. She then went to my kitchen. "Uh... what are you doing?" I asked. "Making you food... what else did you think I was going to do?" She asked. "Uh... I dunno." I said. "What would you like Love." She asked me. "Uh... spaghetti?" I said. "With meatballs?" She said as she shuddered.

"Why do you shudder when meat is mentioned?" I asked. "Because love I hate animals getting eaten." She responds. "Okay, and yeah I'll like meatballs." I said. She shuddered once again. "Johnny boy do want anything to eat?" She asked.

John looks at Destiny with a 'are you serious' look. "One, Yes I would like what Mel is having and two call me that again and you'll have to suffer the consequences." He playfully threatened. She stand in the living and sat near John."Johnny boy." She teased. "That's it." He stopped what he was doing and tackled her to the ground, and pined her hands above her head and tried kissing her.

She struggled under him. Gross I thought and covered my eyes. Once John kissed her she turned red from embarrassment. "John why would you do that you know that I love Ryan right!" She asked. "Like I said you'll suffer the consequences." He said as he smirked. "Plus, I know you liked that kiss." He said. "No I didn't!" She yelled. "Wait till Ryan finds out about this!" She said.

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