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The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

Wooyoung pov

Today my day started with a phone call from San asking if I could go over and help him to get some things for Jonghos party from the local shop. We actually found out that Jongho will come home a little earlyer so we have to finish decorating the house as soon as posible because he will arrive today around 6pm. I did my morning routine and got there as fast as I could.

I knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds before it opened. San greeted me with a big toothy smile.
"Thanks for coming Wooyoung. Let's get started then." I nodded and we got going. San like usually intertwined our fingers. He always does it for some reason. I'm not complaining though.

The shop was a little far but we tried to get there as fast as we could. When we arrived I began to look for thing we need or might need for this little welcome party but San still didn't let go of my hand. He just followed me around. Some people even gave us rude looks that  made me frown. San probably noticed because he stopped and looked at me In the eyes.

"What's wrong Wooyoung?" my heart nearly melted. His voice was so soft and caring it made me have goosebumps in a good way of course.
"I-um. Some people gave us nasty looks and it just made me a little upset". San looked at our hands and noticed he was still holding it. He blushed and let go.
-he didn't even notice that he was holding my hand the whole time?
San cleared his throat.
" Sorry I didn't even notice. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..."
"No no. It's fine. You didn't make me feel uncomfortable, just the strangers made me upset." I corrected him because I didn't mind him holding my hand.

After this small conversation we bought the things we needed and hurried back to San's house.
As we arrived I took out the stuffs from the bags, looked at San then pointed to the living room.
"You go decorate I'll cook the food." I demanded. San obeyed and started to decorate the room. I smiled and began to make the food. The food I was making wasn't too complicated so I was done with it quite fast. We still had few more hours left so I looked around the kitchen to find some ingredients to make a dessert too. I smiled to myself as I found some and began to make then bake some chocolate cookies.
When I was ready with them too I cleaned the kitchen and went in the living room to see what was San up to.

He had done an amazing job with the decoration. The living room looked awesome.
There were balloons everywhere. Some even had confetti in it.
"Wow San. Nice job. I'm sure your brother will love it." as he heard my voice he turned around and looked at me. He blushed and then smiled.
"Thanks and you look good in that apron. You look like a cute wife in it." He giggled. His comment made blush like crazy and I covered my face with my hands.
-he called me good looking then cute. I think I'm going to faint.

(I'm so soft, I can't. uwu)

I felt two arms creeping around my waist and then I noticed that San was back hugging me.
"Haha. You're so cute when you're embarrassed Wooyoung." He then let go of me. We heard a car stop in from of the house so I took of my apron and went back to San. The door opened and a boy came in.
"Welcome back Jongho! I missed you!" San yelled with excitement.

The Boy closed the door after him and ran to San and hugged him tight.
"Missed you too San! And wow you did this all for me? Thank you." they let go of each other then Jongho noticed me.
"Oh hi. I'm Jongho and Who are you?"
"I'm Wooyoung. Nice to meet you." He shook my hand and smiled at me.
"San talked about you a lot." He smiled and I looked at San.
"Oh Really?" he just blushed and looked away.
"Well San talked about you a lot too Jongho."

"Anyway Is anyone hungry?" San asked.
"I'm starving." Jongho said.
"Let's go and eat then." I pointed towards the kitchen.
I took out plates for everyone and put the food on the table.
"Wow Wooyoung. This looks delicious." San liked his lips and I nearly died.

After we finished eating everyone looked satisfied with my cooking. We talked for a long time and got to know each other more and more. It's was a lovely day. It felt like we were a cute family just spending time with each other. The thought made me blush and I smiled to myself.

I saw that it was time for me to go but before that I went to the bathroom. When I was coming back I heard San and Jongho talking about me so I stopped and listened.

"Nice catch San. He's very handsome." I heard Jongho say.
"Oh we are not dating."
"Really? I mean you guys were so touchy with each other I thought there was something between you two." Jongho said and I could feel my face heat up. He then said something to San but I couldn't hear it but San agreed to it.
I walked back in.
"I think it's time for me to go. It was nice meeting you Jongho. Hope we can meet again."
"Yeah. I hope we can meet again too." He smiled. San stood up from the table.
"I'll walk you home Wooyoung. Jongho go and put away your stuffs while I'm out." Jongho nodded and went to get his stuffs.

I put on my jacket and shoes and waited for San. When he was reading we began to head towards my home. San took my hand and intertwined our fingers like always. When we got to my house we said our goodbyes. I began to walk when San stopped me. I turned around.
"Yes San?"
"I want to tell you something but I Dont know how should I do it..." He looked away then looked me in the eyes.
"Just say it San. You can tell me anything." I smiled.
"I-um." He began to say. "I-so I really um..ugh  Never mind. Goodnight Wooyoung. Today was really nice and thanks for the help again."
"No problem San." I smiled.

I looked at San and I got lost in his eyes. Everything froze around me.
San began to lean closer. I could feel his breath on my lips now. My face began to heat up as he got closer.
He slowly closed his eyes and I did the same then he placed his soft red lips on mine. I felt fireworks inside me. It felt so weird but so good at the same time. He was so gentle. The kiss was filled with so much emotion. I loved it.
We leaned away from each other and I couldn't stop smiling.
I was speechless. San rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat.
"I-uhhmm. I'm sorry I just... " He began.
"It's o-okay..." I cut him off then looked away in embarrassment. I could still hear my heart beat. It was so loud.

"Well Goodnight Wooyoung." He grinned.
"G-goodnight San." I waved to him as he did the same then I rushed in the house.

-oh my God we just kissed. I think I'm gonna die. Oh my God oh my God oh my f God I can't believe it.

I was so happy I felt like jumping. I couldn't even sleep properly because of the excitement.

Helló ♥
Did you enjoy this chapter cuz I sure did.

I hope things aren't happening too fast.

Oh and I was wondering if you'd like to see other ships in this story. If yes I'd be more than happy to know. 😊

Have a nice day!

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