"When can I take this off?"

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"What did I just do. What if they tell the boss? What would Honey say I don't want to break his heart? What about Ash?" You say your sister knocks on the door you get on your bed and say come in. "What did you do?" She asks looking at you.

"I kissed them they were so quite so...." Your voice trails off and you look down. She sits by you and hugs you. "They were blushing, they like you, and you like them."

"Pffst... What...no......yes." And she laughs and walks back to her room.

>>next day (Friday)<<

When you walk in the twins blush a little and everyone else is normal. "Hi _____-chan!" Says as he hugs your arm. "Hey Honey-senpai." You say looking at him and Mori stands there. DOES HE EVER TALK AT ALL! WHEN DOES KYOYA STOP WRITHING? DOES TAMIKI EVER SHUT UP? The twins are the only normal ones. "Twins!" Tamiki says Honey releases and they capture you and bring you to a changing room. "What are you-"

"SHH just change into this for boss." Hikiru whispers and cuts you off.

"We don't want to change you it would be weird." Kaoru whispers. They hand you a weird thing you see Americans wear. (Sorry couldn't think of a theme.) after you put it on they shove you out to everyone. You are wearing ripped jean shorts but they are like underwear there so small. Your top is like half a shirt you feel so odd. "When can I take this off?" You ask assertively.

"After the guests leave." Tamiki says.

"I leave early today for dance." You say still uncomfortable,

"Your teacher canceled class today." Tamiki says.

"That-." You say but Kyoya cut you off.

"Time to open."

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