Today :/

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This is what happened. Today. February 21st 2019. love for ready for school went on the the bus, class of course. Then AIG.Me and kaitlyn were working on our projects until Mrs.F came in and called student council kids.Me and kaitlyn went with her to a flag folding thing. Kait is in student council too! They taught us how to fold the flag which is what we do sometimes.Pretty boring. 13 minutes later we were back in the aig room ,we had 20 mins left.We spent that time writing and then typing a letter.Here comes the time you've all been waiting for.
           Me and tiff were being weird for a little until our aig teacher, Mrs.s kicked us out!Tiff went ahead to Mrs r's room because our homeroom teacher had to leave early.Me and kait cleaned the messy room until kait had to go.I went to Mrs .r's room, talked to henz and andi,talked about how mrs. S took tiffs baby and then we lined up.People wouldn't shut up so we got 10 minutes of walking! Mrs.r tried to make her class look perfect.We went to dismissal and this is what happened.
          We passed some busses then, they called kids on my bus over.428. Me and Andi needed grace (Andi's lil sis) we couldn't find her because some strange woman made us sit down.Bucky and Tristan were talking about being a rapper. He calls himself "dj pickle" wtf is that. lol.Our bus needed repairs so we headed to the cafeteria (Grace is with us now) and say down. They called out parents but my mom didn't pick me up. Another 16 minutes later our bus came the bus route was so damn weird. Andi and buckys  parents came, so I was alone besides my friend,madison.I was like the last person to get off.I was mad at my mom for not getting me. Then I realize... SHE GOT ME FUCKING PIZZA ROLLS,AGAIN?!?! >:O

     And now I sit here, writing this. Bye oofers!!!
                                                Ash <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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