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Personality:Caring, can be mean, and understanding Likes:tacos, sharks, fish in general, fishing, dogs, cats (ish), music, animals, driving her truck Dislikes:bullies, smoking Crush:kale Job: veterinarian Friends:BriarWolf11 Enemies:sawyer(won't be mentioned) and greyson(won't be mentioned srry) Dating:
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Personality:sweet, caring, has a temper, (srry bri bri if u see dis) Likes:cats, dogs, her phone, and getting good grades Dislikes:bullies, smoking, abusing, and Samantha getting on her nerves Job: Docter Friends:Samantha, loralie (won't be mentioned), Allison, and Gracie Enemies:boys in General Dating: no one
Name: kale Age:22 Gender: male Looks:
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Personality: hot (for me), sweet, a gentleman, smexy Likes: Issy :(, boy stuff Dislikes:people hitting on him I should know, girly stuff Job:none Friends: boys (since I'm not going to talk about them I might as well not say them in this) Enemies: girls pretty much ;-; Dating: Issy (I'm sad now :(....)
Name: Allison (Alli) Age:22 Gender:female Looks:
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Personality: Sweet(when can be), nice, caring Likes: Food, music, dancing, Violet, riding in the car Dislikes:running, smoking, bullies Friends:Samantha(me :D), violet, Gracie, Adian Enemies: everyone except her friends Dating: Violet
Name: Violet Age: 20 (not based off the real gurl) Gender: female Looks:
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Personality: sweet And sour, has a temper Likes: Alli, food, tacos, cats, music Dislikes:bullies, smoking, cussing Friends:Alli, Samantha, Gracie (ish) Enemies: no one Dating: Alli
Name: Gracie Age: 22 Gender: female Looks:
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Personality: sweet Likes: food Dislikes: smoking cussing and bullies Friends: Samantha Alli Adian Enemies: anyone that messes with her