Chapter Nine

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"What do you mean?" Loki asked.

"I cheated fate," I said. "I helped them leave the place that they didn't want to stay."

"You snuck them out?"


"That's treason."

"It's what they wanted. It cheats fate." I scanned the letter into the computer to examine later.

"What is it with you and cheating fate?"

"It's what I was created to do."

Someone knocked hurriedly on the door. "Brother?" Thor shouted through the door.

"What?" Loki asked.

"The Bifrost opened somewhere just outside the city. We're going to investigate."

"One moment." He turned to me. "Delta, I need you to keep it together, just until we get this figured out. Can you do that?"

Ignoring the voice in the back of my head, I agreed. "I'll watch from here."

He quickly pressed his lips to my forehead. "I'll be back soon. In the meantime, try to look more like Delta. People probably won't take it very well if they see Mayhem when they didn't expect it."

"Stay safe," I said as he left.

I watched the events unfold from my wheelchair in the lab. Thor and Loki drove a couple of miles out of the city to a field where the imprint of the Bifrost had been left.

"No one is here."

"I can see that, Loki," Thor said.

"Are you going to go after them?"

"No need." Sif appeared from behind an abandoned car.

"Lady Sif!" Thor said surprisedly. "What are you doing here?"

"The All-Father sent me. Heimdall reported a long-dormant threat on Midgard."

"I'm sure we can track it down," Loki said. With a little convincing, Sif agreed to return to the Tower with Thor and Loki. I was waiting for them by the door of the garage when they arrived.

"Sif!" I greeted. "Good to see you!"

"Likewise," she said. "Unfortunately, the safety of Asgard may be threatened."

"I heard," I said. "What can I do to help?"

"Can you track someone down?"

"How much information do you have?"

"Not much." She started inspecting her now-unsheathed sword. "All I was told is that the person has fought Asgard before and would most likely attack me before I attacked them."

I sighed in frustration. "I'll do my best, but I can't promise anything with so little to work with." I rolled away to the elevator, which I took to the umpteenth floor.

"She's looking for you, you know," Loki said once he'd closed the door of the lab.

"I know."

"What's your plan?"

"Well, I can either look suspicious by saying I didn't find anything..."


"Or I can see if I can't make mythology real."

"You're going to try and get her and Thor together?"

"Thor and Jane broke up, right?" I distractedly started throwing a ball of ice into the air and catching it again. "It's a distraction from her mission and a way to make her happy."

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