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yugyeom rubbed bambam's back as the stressed boy cried into his chest.

yugyeom couldn't remember the last night he had spent away from bambam. bambam had been extremely stressed and when he was stressed he hated being alone.

"gyeomie, i don't like being in college," bambam sniffled. he was close to falling asleep so yugyeom just held him and let him cry until he was out.

yugyeom thought it would be better in the morning but sadly it only got worse. when bambam woke up, he was not only still stressed, but he was also sick.

"i want to go home. i don't want to be in college anymore!" bambam cried, kicking his feet. he didn't care if he sounded and was acting like a little kid, he was homesick, stressed out, and had a pretty bad cold. "i miss my mama, and my brothers, and my sister, and my doggy."

"i know, bammie, i know." yugyeom hugged bambam over the two blankets on his tiny boyfriend. "is there anything i can do to help you?"

"i don't know! can we cuddle? i only like you." yugyeom nodded, moving bambam's blankets so they could actually cuddle. "thank you for taking care of me."

"of course, bammie. i just want you to be happy." yugyeom tried to sneakily text jackson to ask him to pick bambam up some medicine while he was at the store. he knew bambam wouldn't want to take it but being sick wasn't going to help with his stress. "how about later we can facetime your mom?"

bambam nodded because that sounded really nice to him. he wanted to cuddle with yugyeom and talk to his mom. he didn't even want to look at anyone besides those two.

jackson walked into the dorm to find bambam asleep on top of yugyeom. yugyeom reached out and grabbed the medicine from him.

"you can put him in my bed, i don't want you getting sick." yugyeom shook his head as he continued to rub bambam's back to keep him asleep.

"he wants to cuddle and he's still really stressed out. he was crying until he fell asleep."

jackson grabbed the medicine back and opened it for him, pouring the right amount into the little cup.

"bammie, can you wake up for me?" bambam groaned and only pulled the blanket over him and yugyeom up higher.

"don't feel good," bambam mumbled into yugyeom shirt after he moved a bit so he wasn't laying in the wet spot of his drool.

"i know, baby, just take some medicine and you can go back to sleep."

"baby?" bambam asked, seemingly very pleased with the pet name. "yuggie's baby?"

"my baby. will my baby take his medicine?" bambam sat up and let yugyeom put the tiny cup up to his lips.

bambam gagged once it was all down and whined when jackson told him he had to wait to have water.

"good job, bammie. want to go back to sleep?" bambam nodded, moving to lay his head on yugyeom's chest again.

bambam quietly apologized for getting drool all over yugyeom's shirt but was shut down. "stop apologizing, silly, i know you're sick."

bambam was asleep in seconds, snoring a bit and already drooling on yugyeom's shirt again. "tell me you need anything. i'm glad you're with him."

yugyeom smiled at jackson as the elder once again said he would be at mark's and yugyeom was left with his sleeping boyfriend on him.

yugyeom considered sleeping but he wanted to make sure if bambam needed anything he would be able to get it for him.

yugyeom kissed the top of bambam's head and ended up reading on his phone to pass the time.

when it was a good time in thailand, bambam and yugyeom facetimed bambam's mom. bambam didn't tell her that he was sick or stressed so he didn't worry her.

"mama, yuggie is my boyfriend now," he told her happily because he wasn't worried about her reaction. she had been the most accepting person he had ever met.

yugyeom could tell he was trying hard to not sneeze, cough, or sniffle and it would probably only make him feel worse. but he understood why he did it.

bambam's mom gushed about how cute they were, making the two smile and blush.

bambam and his mom spoke to each other in thai language for a while and yugyeom listened, fascinated. he loved hearing bambam's native language. he sometimes wondered if it was hard for him to speak english all the time. there were times he didn't know words and he was occasionally made fun of for his fairly heavy accent.

they said goodbye to bambam's mom and once the call was over, bambam hunched over and fell onto yugyeom because he felt so sick.

"let's take some more medicine and go to bed, bammie."

baby ♡ yugbamWhere stories live. Discover now