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bambam jumped into jinyoung's arms much to the dismay of everyone else in the airport. jinyoung laughed and let the younger cling onto him while yugyeom got their bag that was too heavy for bambam to pull off the conveyer belt anyway.

"i misses you, baby," jinyoung told bambam, rubbing his back before setting the boy down as they could leave the airport.

"i missed you, nyoung." jinyoung took their suitcase from yugyeom and rolled it for them.

on the ride home, the boys told jinyoung about all the fun they had in thailand. bambam was obviously a hit upset about leaving his home country and family but was still excited to talk about what they had done. bambam had more to say since yugyeom sadly wasn't able to speak to bambam's family much.

bambam was sitting in the front seat, yugyeom in the back. yugyeom reached forward so he could hold bambam's hand on the drive home.

jinyoung was amazed by how cute the two were and how happy they made school other. he was glad the two had met because they made each other so happy. he was convinced that they needed each other at this point. and being the same age at college, younger than everyone else.

"i'm glad you two got to go together," jinyoung commented, glancing down at their hands. "you two are annoying when you're not together."

bambam whined but he knew jinyoung wasn't serious. jinyoung know bambam would be really hurt if he thought jinyoung meant something mean that he said.

yugyeom rubbed bambam's hand with his thumb while listening to bambam talk about a specific conversation he had with his brother. yugyeom had heard about it the night of the day if happened as they laid in bed before going to sleep.

they still had one more day of spring break so yugyeom stayed at bambam's and mark's dorm for the night.

yugyeom pulled their suitcase while bambam held both of their small bags they had taken onto the plane. bambam jumped onto mark's bed and hugged him when they got into the room.

"thank you so much!" yugyeom joined the hug, crushing mark in the process but mark hugged the two back the best he could.

"of course, silly. you deserve it."

mark did ask them to tell them about the trip since he paid for it. bambam had no problem repeating everything he had told jinyoung while yugyeom held him and listening intently to the stories incase he heard something new.

yugyeom kissed the back of bambam's neck and tapped a rhythm into his tummy.

"have you two eaten? jackson is getting food and coming over, do you guys want something?" they hadn't eaten in at least nine hours so mark texted jackson what they wanted.

jackson also received a tight hug from bambam when he walked into the dorm. he chuckled and gave mark the food so he could hug bambam back.

once jackson had left, bambam and yugyeom realized how jet lagged they were and finally went over to bambam's bed.

bambam began falling asleep to the feeling of yugyeom's nose pressed against his cheek. he felt warm and safe in yugyeom's arms even though he felt sad about not being at home in thailand like he had been for a week.

baby ♡ yugbamWhere stories live. Discover now