Chapter Five

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I ran down the stairs to see who was waiting to see me. I don't really know who would even know to come to my house. Everyone knew that I wasn't talking to anyone.

"Bailee!" I heard my brother's best friend, Jack, yell from the hall.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I smiled so big and bright. It was the first real smile that had come to my face in a long time.

"Jack!" I squealed as I jumped into his arms.

Jack and I have always been really good friends. Especially since we were close in age. He was just three years older than me.

"How've you been? I haven't seen you since you graduated." He set me back down.

"I've been good. There's not a day that I don't miss my old best friend, Jack." I told him with a cheesy smile on my face. 

"Hey, get your hands off my sister!" My brother, James, slapped Jack with laughter.

"Man, I was just telling her I missed her!" Jack laughed.

"Hey, bitch. What the fuck is up?" I giggled as I hugged my brother.

"What the hell happened to your face, sis?" My older brother got an angry look on his face. I knew right what he was going to. Shit.

"Just clumsy," I tried to lie to him. He has seen Reese hit me, before, but I told him that it was an accident and played it off the best I could.

James turned him and me away from everyone so we could talk with little privacy. 

"Is Reese hurting you? he asked me with anger engrained in his voice.

"No, he would never!" I defended Reese.

"Then how'd you get the bruise?" James tested. I wanted to eventually tell him, but not when other people were in the room. 

"I told you I fell."

"Whatever, Bailee." He walked away.

I shook my head and turned back to Jack.

"I still can't believe you're here!" I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, again. It would be nice to not have to be scared of the man you're with.

"I just came back from Omaha today," he told me as he pulled out of our hug.

"Oh, I didn't know you went to Omaha. I haven't talked to you in what feels like forever!" I complained. I couldn't complain, though. It was my fault that we didn't talk. 

"Well, we haven't talked in forever. Especially after you texted me and told me that you hated me. I figured it was just because I kissed Chloe and it would blow over, so I guess I was right about that." Jack brought a smile to his face.

He and Chloe did what?!

"Jack!" My brother shouted for him.

"That's my cue. I hope I can see you again soon, Bai-bee. Think about coming to Omaha." he winked at me. 

Even though I was furious at the moment, Jack's wink made me smile. He always had a charming touch to him.

"Definitely." I nodded and waved him off.

I stood there until the girls got back from the kitchen. I assumed they were talking to my parents.

"You have a thing for Jack!" Liv squealed. "I knew it! I've known it all along. You like Jack!" She screamed

"No, I really don't." I shook my head to her. Not after what I heard, I don't like him. I couldn't like Jack. We were just friends.

"And that's why your blushing," she argued with me.

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