Day one

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Okay so today's the day, the day my life changes. As I woke up I looked in the mirror and I still saw Anna. I guess no matter how hard I try she's going to always be there. I can dye my hair, cut it, get plastic surgery, but nothing will work because she's a part of me and we're two people in one right now-or I guess forever now.


After I got ready I started to walk downstairs but got distracted at my parents' door...they were arguing, it was the first time my dad had said more than grumbling since Annabelle passed and it shocked me and it must have shocked my mom even more. I could barely make out what they were saying it was something like

"Dear, maybe we should tell Leigh about Annie." that was my mother trying to be calm when she was terrified because she was shocked and didn't handle surprises well.


My what? other sister? How is this possible? There are no other pictures of this other sister, it doesn't make any sense. It's all too much. To clear my head I went downstairs and made a bowl of cereal. My mom came down a little after me and I could tell she'd been crying and I knew this was the best time to ask her about Annie because she was vulnerable. It might not be the nicest thing to do but it had to be done.

"Hey mom, so I heard you and dad this morning and I need to know who Annie is and where I can find her if that's not too much because she's the only sister I have left"

"Uh sweetie I'm afraid I can't give you that information just yet."

"Oh okay can you get to me after school? damn, I'm gonna be late" she caught me cursing shit now I'm dead.

"Excuse me young lady?" oh she's pissed.

"Sorry mom it just slipped, but I'm really going to be late so bye, love you!"

"Bye sweetie, have a great day!"


First day back at school since everything happened. Everyone's staring and looking at me like I'm the twin that just died and I already want this day to be over with.

"Leigh! Leigh, wait up!" I turned around and saw the one person who didn't look at me like I'm a ghost, Skylar.

"Sorry sky I'm just trying to get away from all of these stares I'm getting" and as soon as I said it I knew what was about to happen and smiled because Skylar knew too. At that moment Skylar walked to the center of the hallway and yelled "HEY EVERYONE STOP LOOKING AT LEIGH-ANNE LIKE A GHOST OKAY? SHES MOST DEFINITELY ALIVE SO STOP!" Skylar is my best friend for a reason ya know.

"How was that to start our first day as juniors?" she's so proud of herself and I love it.

"Absolutely perfect sky, now come on we have to get to English!"

"Okay okay I'm coming geez!"


Ms. Bender is known for being an extremely boring teacher and she definitely proved it today. 10 minutes into class I was sliding a note over to sky that said

"hey, you're coming over after school alright?" And I knew she was bored too by how she quickly sent me a thumbs up across the room before getting back on tumblr.

"Okay students I want you to write a letter to anyone, someone alive, someone dead, or someone nonexistent, but make sure you'll be able to write to them all year because that's what you'll be doing everyday in this class for about 30 minutes. Okay so start writing!"

Write a letter? to who? oh I know I'll write to you Anna. Okay how do I do this? Okay her we go. I'm ready I can do this.

Wait I don't think I can.


(A/N) should I write Leigh-Anne's letters to Annabelle here or should I write it in a different book. Okay well hope you enjoyed this little update. Stay beautiful my darlings :)

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