New Hair New Information

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I've been isolated from the world ever since the incident and basically sat inside my room ever since, it even got to the point where I had to be homeschooled.

This morning was different though, instead of waking up and texting my mom to bring me food I got up and went to the bathroom to see if we had any hair dye. I don't know what came over me but something,or someone, was telling me to dye my hair before I go back to school in a few days. I looked in the bathroom and finally found my mom's in her bathroom. I took it out and put it in my hair. As I walked downstairs my parents both looked at me with shocked expressions plastered on their grieving faces. My mother was the first to say something

"Hey sweetie, are you going for a lighter blonde?" I know she saw it wasn't blonde but was hoping for the best that it was because she didn't want to lose Annabelle and I was the only thing she had of her, with the blonde hair and, well, we had the same face if you forgot, but I needed this because unlike them I couldn't live with seeing Annabelle no matter what I did, I even stopped looking at mirrors because it scared me too much and all I saw was her body when they found her.

"No mom, I'm going dark,it's your hair color actually" I responded as innocently as possible and taking a big bite of the pancakes in front of me so that I wouldn't have to answer any questions. I looked over at my dad and he rolled is eyes, not much of a shock considering he doesn't even act like I'm here.

My mom finally filled the silence and said "Well, I'm glad you're out of your room and hope the color turns out great!" she tried to give a reassuring smile but I saw right through it but smiled back anyway.


After waiting for about forty-five minutes I rinsed the color out and I was a completely new person, but what's a new person without a new name. I walked back downstairs to show off my new hair and my dad threw his liquor bottle at the wall which was weird since one was always in his hand since the funeral. My mothers face actually lit up and she seemed genuinely happy for me.

"Leigh-Anne you look beautiful almost like Annie." She immediately turned bright red and changed what she said "Oh, did I say Annie? I meant your aunt Lana". She started mumbling words I didn't inside stand and looking at the sky and then she ran to my dad and they both started crying and at first I thought it was because of my sister and then I realized my sisters nickname wasn't Annie, my parents practically forbade it, her nickname was Anna and it got me thinking about so much more than how my sister is gone and I would have to face my life without her.

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