A Spider in Beacon!

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(A/n: hello people and welcome to party 2 of a fan story I'm making and as u can see the title u already know what's going to happen so ill just let u guy and girls read already so let's get going)

(Yangs Pov)

I was up watching tv wating for Ruby and then I hear a knock on the door so i go and open it only to find

Ruby:*at the door* hi Yang your not going to believe what happen today

Yang:what ever you say ru-

Then I see some person or Faunus hanging up side down wearing some kind of suit or costume so I told Ruby to get in and I closed the door on the person

Then I see some person or Faunus hanging up side down wearing some kind of suit or costume so I told Ruby to get in and I closed the door on the person

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(A/n: the pic is what I mean by hanging up side down)

Yang:that was a close one they almost got in

Ruby:Yang that was a friend of mine


(Ultimate Spider-Man Pov)

I was about to introduce myself but that blond girl told Ruby to get in and close the door in my face

Ultimate Spider-Man:*knocks on the door*hey can I come in I ki-

Before I can finish the door opens and that blond girl lets me in

?????:sorry I didn't know who you where so I acted quick without asking any questions sorry

Ultimate Spider-Man:its ok I'm use to it so what's your name?

????:my name is Yang Xiao Long

Ultimate Spider-Man: cute and cool name


Ultimate Spider-Man:sorry I didn't mean to make u blush

Yang:i-its ok

Ruby:wow I think your the first person to make my sis blush

Ultimate Spider-Man:wait sis? I thought your last name is Rose or are u guys hafe sisters?

Yang:yep we are half sister

Ultimate Spider-Man:cool and sorry I didn't introduce myself i-

Yang:its ok Ruby told me already

Ultimate Spider-Man:really? That's really nice of u Ruby thx


Ultimate Spider-Man:so where are u going to school Yang?

Yang: Beacon Academy why do you ask?

Ultimate Spider-Man:because me and ruby are going to go with u

Yang:*looks at Ruby happy and excited*Really?


Yang:I'll ask how tomarow right now its time from us to sleep

Ultimate Spider-Man:yeah I'm tiered but where do I sleep?

Yang:in my room, the couch, or Ruby's room

Ultimate Spider-Man:I'm going to sleep on the couch

Ruby:u sure?

Ultimate Spider-Man:I'm sure

Ruby:ok *goes to room*

Yang:if you what u can come over to my room and sleeping in my bed with me*winks*

Ultimate Spider-Man:*blushes under the mask*thx but I'll take the couch and let u girls have y'alls beds all to yourselve

Yang:ok night*goes to room*

Ultimate Spider-Man:*goes on couch and sleep*

(Timeskip to the next day in the morning)

Ultimate Spider-Man:*heading into the bullhead with Ruby and Yang*

We were all heading to beacon academy while explain to Yang on how it happen
Wen we arived me and Yang left Ruby so she can try to make new friends which was Yangs idea so I just went with it

Ultimate Spider-Man:so got any plans on what to do now?

Yang:me and u talk and wait for something to-

Before she can finish her sentence the announcements came on and they told us to head to the stage I don't know where I wasn't really paying attention

Yang:anyways I want to ask why do u have that get up on?

Ultimate Spider-Man:oh this? Its just something to hide my identity from other people so the people I love don't get hurt like you for example you're a great friend to me like Ruby and I don't want any of you guys to get hurt

Yang:aww*blushes*but no one knows who u are excited as spiderman not your real identity under that mask

Ultimate Spider-Man:true and I'm going to keep it like that

Yang:can u show me your real identity?

Ultimate Spider-Man:not now Maby later


Ultimate Spider-Man:so what's new

Yang:nothing much just talking to u

Ruby:hey guys wants up?

Ultimate Spider-Man:nothing

After that we all sat down and  listen to what the person said on the stage and after that we all went to the gym I think or a ballroom thing and we all had to sleep there for the night which was kind of dumb butt it's better than not having a roof over my head

Ultimate Spider-Man:*lays down*

Yang:*lays next to Spider-Man*

Ultimate Spider-Man:yes Yang?

Yang:want to train tomorrow?

Ultimate Spider-Man:sure but I have to warn you that I'm not going to go easy on you

Yang:*kisses Spider-Man on the cheek and blushes and goes to sleep*

Ultimate Spider-Man:*blushes and think in head*

Ultimate's head:do I have a crush on Yang?

Ultimate Spider-Man:*thinks about it and goes to sleep*

(A/n:and I'm going to leave it here for now I hope u guys enjoy this book /fanfic so far wait for the next chapter its going to have some familiar faces in there but I'm not going to spoil see u guys next time pieces)

Ultimate Spider-Man (symbiote costume) X RWBY Yang (onhold) Where stories live. Discover now