Moving up a level

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(A/n:hey this is going to be a short story part probably but u know the drill by now)

(Ultimate Spider-Man POV)

I just asked Yang to hang out and she said yes so now we are just hanging out under a tree until

Yang:hey ultimate

Ultimate Spider-Man:*looks at her*yes?

Yang d-do you want to go on a date with me? *blushing*

Ultimate Spider-Man: whoa don't you think you're kind of rushing it like we only been friends were like what 2 days and you already want to go on a date you barely even know me

Yang:I know but I... like u....

Ultimate Spider-Man:I like u two *blushing a bit under the mask*

Yang:*blushing*ok pick me up at 7:00pm ok

Ultimate Spider-Man:ok

(Time skip to 7:00pm)

Ultimate Spider-Man:*knocks on the door*

I then hear Ruby say "I'll get it" and as I herd that Ruby open the door and was surprised a bit

Yang:*walk over to the door*ready?

Ultimate Spider-Man:yes

Ruby:plz be careful u two

(3 person POV)

As Ultimate and Yang go into town and try to find a place for there date they go into jr's bar at first ever one in the bar was about to attack until she said

Yang:its ok I'm here on a date not to fight

Every one in the bar just continued doing what they where doing

(Start music)

As Yang and Ultimate order there food and as they wait for the food to arrive they start talking

Yang:so.... y do u wear that costume all the time?

Ultimate:Its not just a costume its a symbiote

Yang:wait a what?!?

Ultimate Spider-Man:a symbiote u know a living thang that bonds with a host

Yang:how are u still alive?

Ultimate Spider-Man:its not the one that slowly kills me its just hard to explain


Ultimate Spider-Man:thx

Yang:can u do something with it?

Ultimate Spider-Man:sure*make 2 tentacles come out from the back*

Ultimate Spider-Man:sure*make 2 tentacles come out from the back*

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Yang: awesome

Ultimate Spider-Man:thx

Then there food arives they eat it of course and they continue to talk then thay left but ultimate paid the bill for there food and they where going home until

(Music stop)

Ruby on scroll:*calls Yang*

Yang:*picks up*hello?

Ruby on scroll:Yang u and ultimate might need to go to a hotel or something because on the Weather Channel it said it was good to rain like really badly

Yang:ok thx Ruby

Ruby on scroll:welcome sis

Yang:*hangs up*

So then they whent to a hotel and got a room to stay in

Ultimate Spider-Man:not exactly how I expected the night to end


Ultimate Spider-Man:*lays down on bed*

Yang:*lays next to him*

Ultimate Spider-Man:night love you Yang *blushes under the mask and puts arm around Yang*

Yang:*blushes*Night love you two

Then they both went to sleep

(A/n:ok end the chapter here and I hope you guys liked it and I'll continue to try and make the story better if it need to be worked on which most likely are not is the case anyways I'll see you guys in the next one piece)

Ultimate Spider-Man (symbiote costume) X RWBY Yang (onhold) Where stories live. Discover now