Chapter One: A Sudden Surprise

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(Izuku is called 'Papa' and Katsuki is just called 'Dad')

Deku's POV

I sat in my seat which was placed behind Kacchans and stared out the window. I waited silently for Aizawa to arrive while others chatted away, talking about recent news events or training from past school days.

I sighed and stared out at trees that's leaves began to change color as fall arrived. Honestly, it's been a tough week with All Might.

He seems to be putting pressure on me to control my quirk more. It's been agitating me.

Luckily, it's Friday so I'll be able to sleep on the weekend.

"Class..." Aizawa walks in and faces us, causing my head to perk up along with a few others.

He looks nervous, maybe even a little confused.

"We have two guest," he begins, "come in you two."

Two young boys, around the age of 14 walk in.

One boy had ash blond hair and emerald green eyes along with freckles splattered across his face. He seems a bit shy and tense based off the body language he's showing off.

The other boy has dark green hair and red ruby eyes. He looked frustrated and annoyed. He seemed intimidating by his posture.

The class sat confused as we saw two teens standing infront of us with no uniforms.

"Just...introduce yourselves." Aizawa sighed.

The boy with green hair immediately spoke up. "I'm Kai Midoriya Bakugou and we're looking for our supposed teenage version dads."

I was shocked at his last name. 'Midoriya Bakugou?' I thought.

I looked at Kacchans facial expression and he was just as shocked as I was.

"I'm Zero Midoriya Bakugou and I'm Kai's fertetnal twin..!" The blond said nervously with a smile.

"Wait... did you say 'Midoriya Bakugou' as in our classmates Izuku and Katsuki?" Kaminari asked.

"Yes." The Twins said in unison.

I was taken back by this statement. Me and Kacchan got married and had kids..?! But we're both guys! That's impossible!

"Apparently these two got sent back in time by a friends quirk. They claim that Izuku and Katsuki are their fathers. They have similar appearances to them so they don't look like they're lying..." Aizawa said.

A phone in Zero's pocket suddenly rings and he picks up. "Hello?" He says.

"ZERO. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU AND KAI. YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HOME AN HOUR AGO!" A voice yelled through the phone. Everyone could hear it even though it wasn't on speaker. It sounded like Kacchans voice.

"Dad calm down...we got into a situation," he began," so you know that girl Yuno? Um... she sent us back in time to when you and papa were in highschool..." he spoke into the phone.

"You've got to be kidding me..." The older voice sighed. "Just find a solution. Your papa is worried sick!" And then he hung up.

"Sorry...! That was our dad..." zero mumbled.

The class was silent till Kirishima spoke up, "so Bakugou and Midoriya hooked up ay?" He said making a lenny face.

"Basically." Kai said.

I was now deep red and so was Kacchan.

I was so confused. I thought he hated me, but we had children!?

"No class today. Figure this situation out. I'll be sleeping if you need me." Aizawa said and he fell asleep in his yellow sleeping bag.

Immediately, me and Katsuki ran up to the two boys.

"Wow, dad you were ugly in highschool." Kai chuckled, pointing to Kacchan. He was purposely trying to make him pissed for fun. Kai is just like Katsuki.

"WHAT THE HELL. YOU SHITHEAD!" Kacchan yelled. The two then continued to argue.

Zero walked over to me and tugged on my sleeve.

"Are you really Izuku Midoriya?" He asked nervously. I nodded my head and smiled.

He gave a small smile back and hugged me. "How old are you and Kai?" I asked as we pulled away from our hug.

"Fourteen. I'm the younger twin." He said. I nodded my head. "Your quirks?"

He tensed up a bit.

"Kai?" He turned to his twin who was still arguing with Kacchan.

Kai stopped yelling and turned to Zero.
"Can I tell him our quirks?" He asked.

"Sure." He shrugged his shoulders.

By now, the whole class was standing around us.

"Well my quirk is Temperature Controlled Explosions." Zero began, faintly smiling.

"Like my dad, I Secrete nitroglycerin in my sweat and can detonate an explosion at will. There is a twist though..." He smiled nervously. "The nitroglycerin is what powers the explosions but I also intake the atoms in the air and it changes the properties of the explosions depending on the temperature."

"So if it's like freezing outside you can make explosions which will develop an ice explosion?" Sero asked.

"U-uh..! Yes exactly!" Zero says.

I was surprised. He was so shy but yet he had such a strong quirk. I the looked over at Kai.

"So what's your quirk?" I ask.

"Don't have one. I'm quirkless ." Kai said.

I was taken back a bit. If any of the twins were going to be quirkless, I would expect the younger twin to have no quirk but in this case it was the older twin.

"This kid ain't my child." Kacchan said. "I ain't raise no quirkless being."

"Well you did. And the future You is much more supportive of me." Kai sneered. He crossed his arms and looked up into Kachanns eyes.

"Whatever..." Kacchan growled.

I sigh and look over at Kacchan.

Did we really somehow make it work in the future?

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