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Dominic: Should I tell them first?

Macy: Tell who what?

Dominic: My children? My ex-wife?

Macy: Tell them what?

Dominic: That I am going OUT and explain to people I am Gay.

Macy: Why?

Dominic: Because I owe it to them. I love my children.

Macy: I don't mean your children, I mean why tell?

Dominic: I want the people to know.

Macy: Why?

Dominic: I don't want to hide anymore.

Macy: Then don't hide, but why tell?

Dominic: So that people will know.

Macy: Why?

Dominic: Because I need to let people know about it so I don't have to hide anymore?

Macy: And you need to make an announcement about it?

Dominic: Yes, that is the essence of being OUT and PROUD right?

Macy: So you think an announcement will make it..  what better? easier?

Dominic: Not better or easier, but that is how it should be right? I need to explain about me so that they can accept me. Right?

Macy: Wrong!

Dominic: What do you mean I am wrong?

Macy: I mean you're wrong to think that you have to explain.

Dominic: What do you mean?

Macy:  Why should you explain?You don't owe this world an explanation. But this world owes you an acceptance. When you see a man walking by, do you tell this man to explain why he is a man, or do you ask a woman to explain why she is a woman?

Dominic: Of course not. That's normal.

Macy: So you are saying that being gay is not normal?

Dominic: No that is not what I mean. Oh, I don't know, I don't know anymore.

Macy: Dominic, you don't owe this world an explanation. What this world needs is to accept people as they are, without question. As long as someone is not hurting anyone else and himself why must you explain. We don't question a man or a woman why they are what they are. When we see them we accept them as they are. Why should being gay be any different? What they see is what they get. No need for explanations.

Dominic: But my children!

Macy; You already told them they said it was okay right, so why bother tell the whole world?

Dominic: What if they see me with a partner?

Macy: So what if they see?

Dominic: They will whisper and you know judge me...

Macy: People will whisper about anything and anyone they can think of whispering about and people will judge people with or without explanation. People look at things differently, what could be nice and perfect for you may not be for others. So people's judgement is not based on what you have done or what you will do, their judgement is based on their own principles and values. 

Dominic: But still I ...

Macy: Oh, please Dominic, you already admitted it to your children they said it's okay and even if they said it is not, hell! have fun, enjoy it, taste it, your are a child of this world, you are free...

Dominic:Are you sure?

Macy: What they see is what they get. if you explain it to them you are giving them the right to question it. So don't bother. Let them see and let them take it in without question. To explain to this world is to lower yourself to those who are not worthy. If you truly value yourself and your gender, regardless of, then you don't have to explain. You just need to live it, enjoy it, embrace it, celebrate it! 

Dominic: I guess you're right.

Macy: Of course I am right! 

Dominic: Thanks mom!

Macy: You should have told me years ago, how I would love to see your father's face when he finds out... You see he was homosexual too, and we never told anyone about it, he pretended till the day he died, pity, he could have been happier with Benedict and I would have been happier alone, he was a total bitch to live with...LOL

- end -

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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