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I was jerked awake by the guard that should have been at my door. He pulled me along and out of my room faster then I could process in my half asleep mind.
"What on nature's name-!" I start to scream at the guard. Who by the looks of it was new. You think the next in line would get better guards! Must be the Queen's, my mother, doing.
"I am sorry princess Naliah but your fiancé was attacked so we have to get you out of the Castle!"
Out? Like thats safer. The boy seem more preoccupied with my fiancé instead of me. Probably why he miss spoke. What was that man up to? I alway knew my fiancé was off he never looked at me or other girls for that matter. He confessed that he was into men ,more boyish specifically, before we got engaged but, much to my displeasure apparently he and I was promised to be married no matter what unless he was ended up a false blood or without powers. I could think of a good few girl in no way would mind a marriage to him for similar reasons.
"Is he ok? He better not be dead."
"He is with the white bloods now. He was able to fight back with the plants in the room. Unfortunately the attacker got away." The boy whispered the last part looking like a lost puppy. I no way minded that he and my fiancé, Christian, was in a relationship, but I realized his armor was blue. Blue coloration meant water blood. Both my fiancé and I had dark green showing we were powerful nature bloods, even if I had yet to get my powers like my fiancé. A mixed relationship would be even worse for Christian. A man and man relationship was already a act of treason that could not be allowed, and a mixed relationship if found out there would be no chance of saving him. Christian would be killed on the spot.
As I thought over all they ways that this could go wrong, something I did often, we entered the throne room. Even though it was more of a deck with a roof. High opening that wasn't even widows just holes in the wall where water bloods would come to make sure it wasn't flooded at any point. In the center of the room was the thrones each looking as if they themselves were trees with craving the resemble ivy each bud accented with a different color green stone. Mine was smaller then the two others and without gems that the king and Queen throne have. As I waited for the King and Queen , the court and their children, also known as my court or next court, and my fiancé to get here.
King Silas and Queen Alcie walk in next, also known as my mother and father. The Queen has long waist length dark brown hair with piercing blue eyes, The King has the same hair color but with forest green eyes a trait passed form one royal generation to the next.
"Oh, I was so worried you would be attacked too." The queens voice trying to sound worried but the disappointment present. She and my father where growing distance and my appearances outside of the castle was less and less. Sure they blamed it on the attempts on the court and next courts life, but I knew true reason why. I had yet to start presenting my power, no dreams about flowers or forest with tree. No just vague nightmares about starving in a forest, drowned in endless water and wind wiping all my thoughts away and me being helpless. I was 17 and all knew their powers by 18, these dreams will stop once my power presented itself. It would be Nature like my father my mother and all of the kings and queens before. If I didn't present soon I might be kill it if I presented a different blood shunned and killed.
The guard got my attention again. Now that I had a chance to really look at him I could tell he would be Christian's type, he had blonde hair and blue eyes that rivaled the queens with intensity but his was filled with happiness and care where the Queen's was cold or filled with anger and disappointment.
"Princess I will be going to try and find the attacker with the other guards now."
"Of course my parents are here and the court will be too don't worry." I drifted to sleep worried about if my friends were ok.


The forest was dark I'd been wondering for hours no food, and no one else. I heard growling in the trees never no matter how much I moved it always was the same distance away. I tried to chase it but I never found whatever was making the noise.
It felt like years. I was tired. The sound were getting closer it. I was put on edge. I had no power. The air was cold, but the longer I was there the more my skin felt warm, a comfortable warmth. Power seem to move through my body.
A terrible screech echo around. It sounded close, to close. I turned around to see a dark mass coming towards me.


I woke up with a start, I was panicking but it seemed no one notice. As I was trying but failing to calm down Christian walked in the room with my white-blood. White blood's have healing powers. Which is why my fiancé was sent to her. I did notice though that he had a new cut in his shirt right above his hip and the shirt was soaked crimson by the rip. Akilean sat by her father, the one in court, and Christian sat by his mother. Christian wasn't his full name the simplicity of his first name was accompanied by a long and fanciful rest of his nature infuriating name which I didn't even know. Probably not even his boyfriend did, or I assumed that they were dating, worrying.
"Are you okay Naliah. You look distressed." Christian came up to me asking in a worried voice, acting proper of course. Christian has dirty brown hair with honey eyes that was always adored by the young maid yet they never to to me about it. You don't go gushing over the assumed princess fiancé in front of her. No, Akilean who is good friends with some of the maids would hear about it, not that I minded I never really did like him more then a bother. Good thing too.
"Yes I am just a bit startled by a dream." I replied naturally, flinching when I realized what I said to anyone else that knew we were engaged would think that we were a perfect couple. To my closer friends in the court they knew we didn't like each other and were more like family. Thanks to the fact that we grow up together, a plan to make us fall and love that totally failed for multiple reasons.
The guards came back to the room. I noticed that the probably Christians lover because he is totally his type guard was here too.
"All guards return to you stations you have till morning, and Luke I am trusting you with the princess still." The boy that totally is Christians lover looks at him, with a bright smile. So logically I assume he is Luke, also the smile makes it even more obvious. I would get up to go to him but that would be improper, so I wait for the boy, who stole a glance at Christian, came up to me like a puppy all smiley now that he knows his lover is okay.
"Christian come see me tomorrow we need to talk." I sent a pointed glance that meant 'I swear on nature's name we have so much to talk about'.
"Of course Naliah." And with that his boyfriend came up. Looking confused at our conversation, glancing at Christian. I noticed how his face blushed slightly around Christian, these fools how did they not tell me.
"Princess do you want to go back to your room? I will wait on you here if you want to stay with chr- your fiancé." Did he almost slip up. And I knew the were close now no guard would naturally use Christians name like that. It was completely obvious that they were together I need to warn them to hid it more.
"I would like to go back to my room. Last night I didn't get the best rest and I can talk to Christian tomorrow." Christian toke the hint and didn't offer to walk me back to my room which he usually would after a meeting, impromptu or not, and we would talk about this or that and maybe Akilean or one of our other friends would come and talk too.
"Good bye Naliah, see you tomorrow."
"Of course Christian." With that court exchange me and Luke when off to my room. It was silent till I knew we were will out of earshot and I saw no guards. So I asked what I was thinking half the night.
"Are you and Christian together, Luke." He flushed and started to stutter.
"Wha-t I I don't know what you mean he is your fiancé." The last part sounded sad like he was stating a fact he wished was not true.
"You really think we are together I know he is into boys, he told me like 5 years ago when we found out we were engaged." When he got his powers, which made me slightly annoyed he got his power early. Earlier then everyone else in court even Marjorie, the fire blood of the court who was two year older then Christian making them three years older then me. Marjorie, or Mar as we call them, is a girl by birth but doesn't really think of themselves as a girl or boy. About when I was 10 and they were 13 they asked me to call them a they, but not tell anyone else. Now Christian, Akilean, me, our court water blood, and a couple of their other friends know.
"You- you do?"
"Yes I do now you will be here in the morning to explain with your lover." That was the last thing I said he seemed like he was going to say something but decided against it. About a minute later we reached my room. I said good bye before flopping on my bed. Now just realizing that I'd been in my bedwear till this point. With a huff I started to fall asleep and wondered what the next day would bring.
Tease also go read my post on my page.
This does not mean the book is actually back but should be out in a month or two.

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