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The school was new for me so I didn’t know much about it. I didn’t have a locker, I didn’t even know where the bathroom was. God, I hate new schools. I needed to know the basics about the school, so I asked Diana, she was the only person I knew, I mean, the only person I talked to, yet. So I did it. She said yes, of course. Even if she didn't want to I think she would say yes anyway because I think is kinda bad when you say "NO", at least for me. She also offered to share her locker with me, which was very sweet.

"So thanks for showing me the school. I need to put some stuff on the locker. I’ll see you later." I smiled and turned to the side of the lockers.

Being the new girls isn't easy as it seems. It looks like everyone is staring at you. I hate being the center of attention, I feel like a weird and ugly monster.

I don’t really get lokers with numbers and codes, it’s hard to open, at least for me.

“Damn it, why aren’t you opening?” I gasped while I was trying, roughly, to open the stupid locker.

“Hey, do you need help with that?” I heard a raspy voice behind me.

I looked and back and saw a tall boy, over 6’1. He had brown hair with blond highlights and dark blue eyes. He was dark-skinned.

“Yes, please.”

“There you go.” He looked at me and smiled “You need to push this buttom here after you put the code”. I’m so stupid, it was so simple.

“Thanks.” I laughed but honestly what I wanted was to run out of there.

“So, what’s you name? You’re the new girl right?” Oh no, not now.

“Yes. I’m Kaya, nice to meet you. And you are?” I shake his hand. He seemed surprised.

“I’m Kaleb, nice to meet you too. Normally, like a gentleman does, I’d kiss you on the cheek but I noticed that you like hand contact.”

Wait what?

“Okay, that sounded really bad man” I looked at him and he was blushing. “Oh, no! Don’t blush, I just have a dirty mind.”

“Yes, you do.” He agreed raising his thumb.

Okay, now I just needed to get out of there but unfortunately, he came after me.

“So, hey.” I stopped and faced him “Are you going to the party tonight?”

“What party?” I asked “I wasn’t invited.”

“You don’t need an invitation, it’s for the people from school.” He laughed.

“I don’t even have friends here, I don’t know with who I could go with.”

“Hum, hello, there’s one person here.” He raised his hand. “You can go with me, if that’s okay with you. I mean, you barely know me but I’d like to get to know you better.” He gave me a shy smile.

“I don’t know. I’m trying to have a «normal» life, since my father left.”

He looked at me like I was a little pet. Not that again please.

“Did he die?” he asked.

“No! No, it’s not that. He just left us, he ran away with another woman. But who cares.”

“I’m sorry.” He stammered.

“No, it’s fine really. Where can I meet you?”

“So you’re going?” He gave me a really big smile.

“Yes.” I rolled my eyes.

“We can meet here, the house is around the corner.”

“What time?”

“At 9:00”

“Right.” I smiled and went to the classroom.

What the hell am I doing with my life, I don’t even know the boy, what if he’s a criminal? Or a rapist? Am I rushing things too much?

I needed to stop thinking about that and go. This party was going to make me relax because I really needed it since I got locked in my room. No drinks, no drugs. Maybe that was going to be a good night for me and be a good opportunity to meet new people.


So there it is my 2nd chapter. Kaleb was inspired in one of my favorite actors Harrison Gilbertson. I need to apologize again if something is wrong because I'm not english.  Its stills short tho but It will get better for the next time I promisse. Hope you liked it xo :)

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