Chapter 1: Meeting the Sakamaki's

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The kamori brothers were all sitting on the couch watching tv until there was a knock at the door, " I'll get it" Shin said. Once he opened the door there father was there, "dad? What are you doing here?" asked shin, " I came to say that you an your brothers are gonna be moving where Yui is living now with other people, boys specifically", every brother was confused, " Get packed up, you guys leave in 20 mins" he said. All the brothers nodded and did as he said. Once they were done they went into the limo and drove to the new house. Everyone was suprised, it ws a mansion ,a big one, " Is this where we are gonna be living now?!" asked Kent , " Pipe down will ya" said Kurosaki," Sorry, just excited" said Kent. Once they arrived they got there luggage and walked to the front gate they opened the gate and went to the door, before Ikki could knock the door opened by itself, " Creepy" mummered Ittoki. They all walked in to see if anyone was here, they saw nobody until Shin made a yell, "ahhh!!" Shin yelled, all the brothers ran towards him finding he was pinned down by some redheaded boy with green eyes. The redheaded boy went to his neck and started to lick it, "oi! Get off him!" Yelled Toma pushing the redhead off of him. 

"TCH!" said the redhead, " What do we have here? More mortals to satisfy us?" as he walked closer to Shin. "Stop!" yelled a girl. Everyone looked a saw it was Yui. "There my brothers" she said. "What's happening here?" asked a purple haired boy with purple eyes. "Who are these people?" he asked. Before anybody could start to say anything Shin jumped in surprise as a pair of hand wrapped around his waist. "FuFu~ What do we have here?" as he started to lick his neck. Shin flinched and accidentally moaned "mmm!" shin said. Everyone looked in surprise and the boy wrapping his waist gave a perverted chuckle. "Looks like you and me are gonna have lot's of fun together~  Cutie-Kun~" as he nibbled his ear. Ukyo pushed him off of him, " Cutie-Kun?!!" Shin yelled. "Shu, do you know why they are here?" the purpled hair male said. " Yeah, they gonna be living with us from no on and they are the brothers of Yui", " Were adopted" said Ukyo." "What are your guy's name's?" asked shu, "That is Shin, Ukyo, Toma, Ikki, Kent, Itoki, and Kurosaki" Yui said, " Nice to meet you i'm Reiji, That's Ayato, Laito is the one behind you, Shu is the lazy deadbeat, Subaru is the one in the corner, and Kanato is the one sitting on the couch". "It's nice to meet all of you" Shin said, "Can you show us our rooms? Asked Kurosaki. Reiji nodded and they followed him. Once they went into all there rooms Shin plopped on the bed ready to fall asleep until he heard a voice "FuFu~ Cutie-kun, we haven't been introduced fully, I'm Laito, and that one over there is my brother Ayato." Shin go up suprised and noticed the too redheads in his room. " How did you get in here without me noticing?" Shin asked. " We teleported" Ayato said moving closer to him with a smirk on his face. Shin backed up until he felt arms around his waist. "Cutie-kun you can't escape, were vampires and you belong to us~" Laito said as he started to lick his neck. " L-Laito!" shin yelled. Just then the door opened and there was Reiji, " Get ready for night school and stop bothering the guest" Reiji said and then left. "tch!" Ayato said dissapering, "Were not done Cutie-kun~, Im gonna do more pleasurable things to you when we get back~" said laito whispering in Shin's ear. Once everyone got ready they got into the two limo's and drove to school. Once everyone was in class Laito kept staring at Shin, once class ended Laito grabbed Shin and telported to the outside of the school. " Laito!!??, What are you doing!?" Shin yelled. Laito grabbed Shin's hands and pined him against the wall and started to lick his neck, " L-Laito!!" Shin yelled, Laito kept licking his neck until he found his soft spot, "mmm-ahh!" Shin moaned. Laito Smirked and bit him on his soft spot. " Agh!Ah!" Shin yelled at the feeling of pain and pleasure. Laito stopped sucking his blood and looked at him. Shin was panting and getting weak. " Cutie-kun, want to taste your own blood? It's very sweet~" Laito said, before Shin's eyelids were getting heavy and let the darkness consume him.

" What happened laito? What did you do?" Ayato said coming around the corner, he saw Shin passed out, " I was sucking his blood and guessed i sucked to much" Laito said, Ayato waked up to Shin and picked him up bridal style, "Reiji said were going back to the mansion, i'll teleport there and put Shin in bed" Ayato said and then he telported to the mansion. Soon Ayato was in Shin's room and put him on the bed, Shin grabbed Ayato's hand and Ayato saw tears, he ws crying, " Help me" Shin said, this took Ayato by surprise but Ayato layed next to Shin trying to calm down and soon Shin relaxed snuggling into Ayato's neck. They just layed there sleeping.

Shin woke up with a pain in his neck and remembered Laito had bit him, " Laito you bastard" Shin mummbled to himslef. Shin looked next to him and saw Ayato, Shin decided to let him sleep and got up and walked around the mansion. He noticed a woman with purple hair on the balcony. She turned around and looked at him before she dissappered, then Shin heard a voice in his head saying " My,my, you are handsome, now wander my sons like you, your blood really is the finest quality", Shin stepped back in pain holding his head, " Who are you??!!" he yelled, " Oh i forgot to introduce myself, i'm Cordelia the mother  of Ayato, Laito, and Kanto, and you my dear are gonna help me get revenge on what my son's did to me", Shin fell on his knees his head still pounding in pain, the voice was gone but the pain was increasing, Shin saw Ayato, Laito, Shu, Subaru, Kurosaki and Toma run down the stairs wondering what all the commotion was, they were about to go back to there rooms before they heard a yell of pain " AHHHH!! UGH!!", they all ran towards the sound to see Shin on the floor barely breathing. Toma ran over to him to see what was wrong with him and found a wound on his chest that just barely missed his heart, Toma knew the demon was back and Shin tried to stab himself to get rid of him. " Shin!!!!" he yelled, " Wake up!!" but shin wouldn't wake. Then Shin slightly opened his eyes and studdered saying" H-He's b-b-ack, Please k-kill me" he said before he let the darkness consume him.

(I'm new to writing story's so sorry if this one sucked, i will try and get better i promise)

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