Chapter 2: Love

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As Shin passed out Toma picked him up and brought his to his room. Toma put Shin on his bed and let him sleep but he didn't want to leave him alone so he slept next to him, Shin snuggled next to his chest until he muttered something under his breath.


Toma was confused, he never heard of a Cordelia before. He got out of bed and went downstairs to get answers until he saw a purple haired woman on the balcony. He went up to her to ask her who she was.

" Who are you?" Toma asked

"My, my, you are handsome and your blood is great too. No wonder my sons want you and your brothers. My name is Cordelia and i am the mother of Ayato, Laito, and Kanato" Cordelia said.

"Cordelia, the name that Shin said"  Toma thought to himself. 

Out of nowhere Cordelia was behind him and she whispered to him in is ear

" You and your brothers are gonna help me get revenge on what my sons did to me" Cordelia said

Toma turned around to say something but before he could Cordelia grabbed him by the neck and started to choke him before throwing him off the balcony.

As Toma was falling he closed his eyes and thought to himself" Am i really going to die?" before he felt arms around him and he looked up to see Laito holding him and telported to the ground. Toma could barely stand up and felt dizzy, he fell on his knees his eyesight barley visible. Laito ran over to him.

"Oi! You alright Toma?!" Laio said

Toma could barely speak and shook his head no.

" My head hurts and i-i fe-feel dizzy, my whole body is in pa-pain" Toma said

Laito grabbed him and telported to the lab were Reiji, Ayato, Shu, Kanto, and Subaru was.

" Reiji check Toma, he said he feels dizzy and his head and his whole body hurts, he can barley see and speak, yet alone breath" Laito said

Everyone was suprised and Subaru's face had a worried expression. Reiji walked over to Toma as Laito layed him on the sofa. Reiji felt his forehead and felt him burning up. He went to get a thermometer to check his temperature. It said 106.5

" Get him to his room, he has a very high fever, it is 106.5 and that's not normal, Ayato, Shuu, and Subaru go with them and keep an eye on him. Me and Kanto will figure out a way to bring it down, Ayato get a damp cloth, Shuu get a blaket, Laito and Subaru stay with him and make sure he is warm, and not moving, He needs to rest" Reiji said

They did as he said Ayato got the cloth from the kitchen and put it on Toma's forehead, Shuu got the blanket and wrpped it around hm and Laito and Subaru stayed with him.

A couple of days passed and Toma felt better, he thanked everyone for helping him feel better and got ready for night school. Once they were in the limo Toma noticed Suabru looking at him. Once Suabaru noticed he blushed and looked away which made Toma smile.They got to the school to only be awaited by fan girls.

" Ugh.... i just want one day where i don't have to deal with them..... that's all i ask" Shin said

"Tell me about it" Toma said

Once they got past the screaming fangirls Laito, Subaru, and Toma headed to the kitchen, Reiji, Shu, Ayato and Shin headed to the music room, while the rest of the group headed to the english room. 

Once Laito, Subaru, and Toma got to the kitchen they started to cook a cake. The cake was gonna be vanilla with vanilla icing with strawberries and blueberries on top. Once they finished Toma took a bite

" Wow! That's amazing!" Toma said

Subaru blushed at Toma's reaction, luckily he hid it so nobody can see.

" Wanna try some Suabru?' Toma asked

" u-um..... sure, i'll try some" Subaru said

Suabru tried a bite and his face lit up.

" Wow! That is good!" Subaru said

Toma and Laito laughed a little at him but Toma mainly smiled at him 

(Kiss scene coming up)

Shin was in class alone studying until he heard a voice next to him in the corner.

" Oi, Shin. Whatcha doin?" Ayato said

" Oh hey ayato, i'm just studying but i can't seem to shake this last problem" Shin said 

"Want me to help?" Ayato asked

" Sure" Shin said

Ayato sat across from him and taught him how to do the problem. Once they were done Shin understood it better and tried on on his own and got it on his own.

" Thanks Ayato, you really helped, i should be getting back now" siad Shin

Right when he got to the door Ayato grabbed him and pinned him to the wall.

"Ayato, what are you doing?!" Shin yelled

Ayato smirked and licked his neck, then bit him. Shin winced at the pain.

" A-Ayato... Get of me!" shin yelled and tried to push him off but Ayato was stronger than him.

Ayato stopped sucking his blood and looked at Shin until he put his lip against his.


Ayato bit his bottom lip asking for entrance but Shin denied it, Ayato smirked while kissing and put his hand up his shirt and pinched his nipple making Shin gasp just in time for Ayato to put his tounge in. Ayato explored every inch of his mouth in the deep and passionate kiss. Ayato broke the kiss and a string of saliva was connected to there tounges. Shin was blushing and hid his face in Ayato's chest. Then Ayato dissapered. 

" I can't believe thhat happened, i loved that, i love him" Shin said to himself while sitting n the floor of the classroom.

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