Chapter One.

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I, Juniper Winston, am currently sitting in health science class and want nothing more but for it to end. Who in the world needs to know about how much iron is profound in spinach? I believe Popeye more than these complicated words my professor is trying to drill into my head. I felt myself eyeing the clock on the horribly painted wall. Five more minutes. My pencil was tapping against the wooden desk I was sitting at, unbothered to be taking notes. I was well aware, that I should be taking notes and focusing on the content. This was important for my future, yet my mind travelled to distances I didn't know existed.

Minutes had gone by, and eventually the bell rang, practically tearing me out of my trance. My senses came back to me and I was able to hear four conversations going on at once. One about a party that was being hosted this weekend; A party I won't be invited to. The second conversation was about this one boy they all fancied. Could you imagine crushing on the same boy? I don't know about you, but that sounds like a terrible orgy. After that odd conversation about that one boy, I stopped listening and crammed my things together. As per usual, I was one of the last people to go. However, this was my last class and I had nowhere to go, besides home. Home; the place where I felt the safest. I'm not that big of a people person. My parents always thought it was strange, but was it really that strange?

Loneliness is something I never really felt, and it made me worry. My friends, or at least the few that I have always wanted to hang out and eat some unhealthy fast food, watch movies or the best combination of both. It was quite dreadful, if I'm entirely honest. My opinion to them, didn't matter. In that group of fabulous, snobby people who I've known for way too long, I was the black sheep. I never really cared about fashion as much as they do. Nor did I ever find the need to gossip and bring down other people. They, however, live for drama. While I was gathering my notebook and pencil case from my table, my clumsiness made an award-winning appearance and caused for me to drop said pencil case, having them splayed out all over the dirty and germ-covered floor. With a face of disgust, knowing how many filthy shoes trampled over the ground, I began to pick up each pen and pencil, one by one.

"Gross, gross, gross..." I mumbled to myself, knowing the first thing I will be doing is rinsing off and disinfecting each and every pen. If only my clumsy-self would disappear every once in a while. It really made an appearance when I least needed it.

Back to my horrible group of friends, for just a brief moment. Jess is my life-long best friend, almost. I grew up with her, considering we are still neighbors to this very day. She isn't as bad as I make my friend group out to be. She has common sense and knows me better than anyone; or at least that's what I like to tell myself. It's reassuring in a way, knowing that a certain someone always has your back.

"Juniper, do you need some help?" Lucas asked; a classmate from this utmost boring health science class. He's your typical good guy, not my type, no hard feelings. I thought for a moment, though thought about the added germs that would cover my pencils and pens from holding them in his bacteria covered hands, so I immediately shook my head.

"You know, it's totally cool. Thank you, have a fantastic day!" I responded alongside my frantic shaking of the head. I don't have a way of talking to boys, especially boys. I've come to the conclusion, that love might not be my thing, but I haven't been able to figure that out just yet. And so, I hurried to pick up my belongings, literally shoved them into my backpack and headed out of class so that no one could further approach me. At this very moment, I just wanted to make it home with no further distraction or disruption.

The distance from my class to where my mom would pick me up, was a walk of approximately seven minutes. If I walked abnormally fast, which I did naturally. Whenever I find myself out with friends, they always complain that I'm walking too fast! It makes me roll my eyes every time. From class to car; that was the current mission.

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