Oh what joy Part 2

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I knew I shouldn't have left Vanessa outside alone. Now, she's fucking gone! 

It's been months without an interruption from Raul and his clones. We all were hopeful that they wouldn't come back. Well damn, they sure as hell came back. 

"What are we gonna do, boss?" Rafael asked me, his arm around a shaking Kelsey. Alexandrov was sitting next to Aliyah on the couch, calming her down. Nik was no where to be seen. 

I sat down roughly on a hard wooden kitchen chair and sighed. "I think I know where Raul is keeping her. The thing is, he has tons of clones and only several of us." 

"Then let's get a local pack to fight with us," Rafael suggested. Kelsey nodded. 

I shook my head. "I don't know if the local pack would want to fight with us." 

Kelsey stepped in front of me. "And why not?" 

I sighed again and ran my fingers through my hair. "Because the local pack is my old pack. I left them. I don't think they'll be very welcoming to me, let alone us." 

"Then let's try and see if they'll join us. We are all going to die if no one else helps us," Rafael said, folding his arms. 

As I was about to answer, Kelsey angrily stood in front of me and asked,"Why the hell does Raul want so much money from you?" Her cheeks were turning red.

Great. This is what I didn't want anyone to ask me. 

"You know all of us are very suspicious of you," she said. 

I nodded. "Yes, I know." 

"Then tell us." 

I shook my head and stood up. "Later. Right now we really need to leave." I walked around her and went to a painting over the couch that Al and Aliyah we sitting on. I removed the painting to reveal a safe. 

"See? You're hiding stuff from us!" Kelsey shouted from behind me. 

I ignored her and turned the lock on the right numbers. When it opened, I pulled out a book and some bottles. 

"The hell? Do you practice witchcraft?" Kelsey asked, looking at the bottles filled with a liquid. 

"Well, don't practice it. But my mother taught me some things," I answered her. 

"How is this going to help us?" Rafael asked. 

I put the huge book and the various bottles on the coffee table. I murmured, "Show me where Vanessa is," and the book opened itself. 

I saw my Vanessa chained up. My heart immediately hurt. I felt tears fill in my eyes. 

"I got an idea," Rafael said suddnely. "But let me do this on my own." 

I stopped him before he went out the door. 

"I trust you...but be careful," I told him. He nodded and looked back at Kelsey, who was now crying freely. She then ran to him and hugged him as tight as she could with her big belly. 

"Be safe," she muffled into his shoulder. 

"I will," Rafael said before he pulled away and gave Kelsey a long kiss on her lips. 

He gave everyone one last look before he left the house. I immediately went back to the book and saw my Vanessa still there, in those damned chains. 

"We have to go and help," an unexpected Nik said from the kitchen. He must've gone in from the back door. 

"Who's going to stay with the girls?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow. 

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