New house 2

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RECAP: summer had argument with her parents and started crying
As summer falls to her knees and starts to cry nana gets on her knees and and asks her dominant what's wrong but before she could get the last words out of her mouth summer hugs her and doesn't let her go  and nana's  mother  picks them bout up by the hand and takes them to the living room and they sit on the couch and summer tells both nana and her mother what happens and and nana starts to cry and summer comforts her and tell her mother that you have made my worst  better and you birth the best thing in the world. Nana's mother says thx you and tells her I have to go to work so I'll call you and nana later and then leaves  so summer dose what she does best  she carries nana up stairs and gets her ready and then gets her self ready and they sit and watch a movie on the bed for a while and then they went to a Starbucks and Chick-fil-A and went to the mall and went to five guys headed home
Once they returned home nana went up stair and change in to something a little more comfortable because the time was 5:00pm .
What would please her enough so I don't get in trouble because one of the rules she has for me is don't put on anything she didn't tell me to but today idc this will do perfectly .
Before she could even put on the outfit she heard summer come up the stairs and into the room and with this knowledge she sat on the bed with her feet tucked under her butt and waited to see what summer was going to requested her to.
Erotic content..........warning..........warning..............
The request was nothing out of the ordinary for her she told her to take off her clothes and lay on the bed and let her handle the rest. Which scared nana a little but not a lot to tell her no she laid their quiet and summer went in to a dresser drawer and pulled out a belt and vibrator and she set the vibrator on my clit and then tied it down with the belt and turned it on and told me I couldn't cum until I asked her first and as many was about to answer summer sits on her face and you know what's about to happen next this lasted for a good 10 minutes until nana could not take any more and asked summer to cum but summer denied her wish and turned it up which sent a chill up nana's body then nana got on her knees and bent over summer simply gloating.there was a deliberate voluptuousness which was both thrilling and repulsive ,and as she arched her neck and she actually licked her lips like and animal till Summer could see in  the moonlight the moisture shining on the scarlet lips and the red tongue as it lapped the white sharp teeth summer knew she was no longer in charge  nana got out of the belt and took off summers clothes and ravished her body until summer could no longer take it  and she screamed and moaned and then took over again and finished nana off by doing the same thing she did to summer,then they both fell a sleep in each other's loving embrace.

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