Chapter one

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Chapter one*

" raine wake up" my sister says shaking me awake.

I groan and roll over onto my left side, facing the window, away from her. I close my eyes in attempt to fall back asleep but sky constantly shakes me awake, pushing me the edge of the bed. I groan and slap her hand away,making her stop.

" raine get your lazy ass out of bed, it's the last day of school. Come on" she shouts, shaking me harder. I just slap her hand away again and close my eyes. She sighs in announce. I win.

" don't make me do what I did yesterday" sky says, her voice getting quiter, telling me she's walking away. Oh-no she doesn't. I throw the covers back and jumps out of bed, towards the bathroom, where I can here the tap running, filling up a bucket.

" I'm awake" I shout, turning the tap off.

" good, because josh said he'll pick you up in twenty minutes" she says smirking.

She walks out my room and back down to her own, slamming the door behind her for affect. Typical sky. My eyes widen in horror when I finally realise what she said. ' josh said he'll pick you up in twenty minutes'.

" shit" I cuss, running into the bedroom.

Luckily I pick out my outfit every night or right now I would be in deep trouble. I take at least an hour to pick one outfit out, so yeah see my point. I dive down at my makeup desk and start to apply my make up. Foundation, concealer, eyeliner, mascara and last but not least pink glossy lip stick.

Once I'm finished I move onto getting dressed, grabbing my close and making a b-line to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me, I strip my pyjamas off -pj shorts, sports bra and baggy top- and get changed.

Today seeing as it's the last day, I decided to wear my favourite outfit, light pink dress, white sparkly heels, white handbag (designer) and my favourite jewellery. Mum and dad brought me it for my fifteenth birthday. It's was nearly a year ago today.

Lastly I do my hair, curling it with my designer tongs and making sure it looks effortless and loose, just the way I like it. There's a knock on my door and when I look up I expect to see sky but instead am greeted with my sex god of a boyfriend, josh. He smirks at me making my knees go weak.

I stand up and walk into his warm hug. Unlike the other jocks josh isn't a player, never has been either. He loves me and I know it. I grab my schools bag for the last time and walk hand in hand with josh down stairs.

Mum and dad wait for me and sky at the door, like they do every year. Today's sky's last day at college, while it's my last day at high school. Sky's nineteen leaving me seventeen.

" girls" mum starts looking between us both. " I can't believe your all grown up now, god where did the time to" she says, tears in her eyes.

" my please don't cry otherwise I'm gonna cry and I'll smug my makeup" I say hugging her tightly. She wipes her eyes and pulls back, smiling.

" I know, I shouldn't cry" she says, trying to be serious, it doesn't last long. " god I love you both" she cries.

Sky comforts her while I snuggle into Josh's side. Mum finally grips onto control, making her tears top falling. My father steps forward all tall and broad, and he surprises me by pulling me into a hug.

He's never done this and normally makes himself busy in work, only coming out when he's needed or mum makes him for things like this. I snuggle I to him feeling warm, but deep down something doesn't want me to be so close to him. When we finally break apart he hugs sky before shooing us out the door.

I hop in Josh's car while sky slides in hers and we to our separate ways, for the last time. Soy plans to leave this summer to live in France with her Best friends Hannah and faith. They've been planning this for over a year now, getting excited at only the thought of it.

Me I plan to leave for the performing arts academy in Florida, for two years only coming home for breaks and things and when I've finished there I plan to start my singing career in Hollywood. First with TV series and stuff then onto movies and my own singles.

Josh takes the I sail route to school, stopping in the shop to pick up things for dinner and just some snacks, he likes. I grab a cappuccino and some fudge pieces. My favourite, except strawberries nothing can ever beat that.

We make it to school ten minutes early meting the crew in our usual spot, by the lockers. Sienna's the first one I notice, seeing as she's my best friend and then there's jack, Harry, Rosie, George and Nessie. Sienna runs up to me squealing, so I do ten same.

" finally high school is over" she says.

" I know, thank god" I say back.

" did you get into paa in Florida" she ask seriously.

" of course I did" I say, she screams in excitement.

" we'll so did I" she screams.

" really?"

" really?"

" ah we could be roomies"

" I know....."

The first belle rings signalling class, so everyone in the group separates while me and sienna head to the library for our free period. I sit down in our usual spot, where jack is sat, texting on his phone. It's royally only one of his bimbos as usual. Nessa gets so peed about it because she's had a crush on him for, eek two years.

" so I heard you and josh did it" jack says as soon as we sit down.

" yeah so" I blush.

" so it's true he's not lieing" jack says sitting up properly now, looking curious.

" um yep why" I say.

" oh no reason I just thought you wouldn't do him yet" he reply, zooming back I to his phone.

" boys" I sigh.

Me and sienna spend the rest of free period talking about josh, the newest movie, celebs, boys anything. Oh and I must never forget fashion. That's are favourite topic.

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