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"You did what?"

Artemis was tempted to cover her ears as Roy's voice echoed throughout the dingy basement/cellar they'd confiscated below Roy's apartment. With the reasonable security Wally had installed and the multiple computers and monitors and other pieces of fancy tech Roy had bought, the place made a decent headquarters for yelling at one another in. Because, to be completely honest, that was a large part of what the three did when they were together.

"He had a lead!" Artemis growled back, not yelling like Roy, because she was so much more mature, but still sounding defiant. "A decent one too! Better than anything any of us have come up with. Besides, he's a cop."

"A cop?" Roy didn't yell, but simply stared at her in disbelief. "You of all people should know that in Gotham, that's worse than a criminal half the time."

"More than half," Artemis snorted.

"Exactly my point!"

"But he wasn't corrupt."

"What, could you just see it in his eyes?" Roy mocked, crossing his arms and glaring down at her.

"I'm not stupid, Roy Harper! I grew up in Gotham! I've been chased by cops and I've paid off cops and I know a corrupt one when I see him! He knew-" Artemis stopped. Roy didn't know. "He knew Robin was kidnapped, even with Batman keeping it a secret. Batman! And he wants to help find him."

"Unless he's working for Donovan." Roy's voice was low. "Maybe he's trying to lead us off the scent. Ever thought of that?"

"Ugh!" Artemis groaned. She was about ready to deck the older archer. "Get your head out of your butt and think! What's the worst that could happen? We get dragged on a wild goose chase and-"

"Get led into a trap and gunned down. Or-"

"Stop it guys!" Wally was suddenly between them, holding his hands out to his sides like he was trying to break up a fight. Well he was, but not a physical one. Yet. "Just stop. This isn't helping Rob."

Artemis sighed, but deflated and watched as Roy slowly did the same.

"Just… this is the only lead we've got, like it or not." Wally glared at Roy. "And Arty's right, this is first thing we've had… ever. And I think we should take it."

"What if it's a trap?"

"Don't be an idiot," Wally groaned. "Why would anyone bother to set a trap for us? We've found nothing and all we've done is spend all our free time locked up in a dark basement moping about how we've found nothing. We're like lame, emo, ginger Batman's without the fear factor and none of the detective skills."

"Speak for yourself." Artemis hissed.

"I'm pretty sure Donovan doesn't even know we exist." Wally continued. "I think we should trust this cop. If he figured everything out on his own, he deserves a shot. Besides, it's all we have." The last part was quieter and almost regretful.

Roy huffed, grumbled and acted like a PMS-ing girl before finally throwing his hands up in the air like a soap opera and sighing: "Fine. Fine! We'll give it a shot. Just one. If he turns out to be a fluke, I'm in charge of everything forever, deal?"

"Fine." Artemis glared at him.

"Great!" Wally looked too pleased with himself. "So when do we get to meet this John Blake guy?"

"Tonight," Artemis announced. "I told him I'd meet him tonight on the west side near the city limits. Then we can take him back here and hear the whole story and make a plan. The sooner we get on with this the better."

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