purge starts

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(a/n ive never seen a purge movie and i don't intend to. anyway here we go im sorry for this)

It was 10 minutes before the most dreaded day of the year began. I hurried to lock the doors and windows of my small, cramped apartment. I caught a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror as I locked the fire escape in my bathroom and smirked. Some people looked weak and afraid around this time of year, but not me. While I didn't look like a model, my bleached blonde hair was washed, brushed, and tied in a messy bun on top of my head. I was wearing a soft pink cropped sweatshirt and jeans and had simple mascara and lip gloss on. I still had things to do earlier that day, and in case someone got in, I wanted to look strong, not like an easy target.

I was an easy target, though. Unlike some psychos, I didn't wanna hurt people, I wanted to help them. I hated the thought of surrounding myself with death by working in a hospital, though, and why treat injuries when you can prevent them? So I became a forensic investigator, the best in my field. I could track down and apprehend a criminal who started a crime even a second before the Purge began. Hey, if it happened even one second before or after, it wasn't legal. I had plenty of vengeful criminals calling for my blood from behind bars, but I wasn't worried because I'd rather have them hurt me than someone else. In a month, it'd be my 5th anniversary working for the CIA. At just 21 years old, I was the youngest and the best investigator ever.

The TV I had left on earlier called my attention as I left the bathroom by broadcasting the announcement I knew so well. "The annual Purge is beginning. For 12 hours, all crime will be legal. Some officers are exempt, so if you hurt them, it's a crime. Good luck."

I double checked my locks and security cameras. Satisfied, I went to my room to get a good book and wait out the purge. However, there was someone already lying in my bed!

"Hey," said the woman lying there. She had medium long brunette hair, great fashion sense, and pretty eyes. "What's up, I'm here to commit crimes."

"H-how did you get in here?" I stuttered, eyes wide. I was certain I'd checked all the entrances.

"I've been hiding under your bed for a day," she said. "I like your sweatshirt."

"Thanks," I said. "But you can't do that, it's illegal."

"Uh no this is is the purge. It's legal," she said.

"No, I mean you breaking and entering, then like squatting in my house a day before legal crime." A thought occurred to me. "Oh my gosh you've been hiding for a full day! Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"I brought snacks," she said. "And you can't prove I was here early."

"Yeah I can. I'm a forensic scientist and you just confessed." I hold up my phone, where I'd been recording everything.

The woman took my phone and hurled it against the wall, shattering it. "Let's go, smarty pants," she said. I didn't have much choice and unlocked the door for her.

She led me through the streets of mayhem. I thought for sure there'd be criminals to fight, but most took one look at her and stepped back. A few waved hello and called her "Tricky Nicky", but she ignored them. "Tricky Nicky, huh?" I asked.

"Don't. That's my street name. Call me Jenny." Jenny scowled.

"Ok. My name is Jessica but call me Jessy. Hey, our names sound similar."


"So you're like a famous criminal?"

"Only during the purge."

"Everyone seems to know you. I bet you'd be good at crime the whole year." I complimented, but she didn't like it.

"I don't wanna be crime the wjole year. Crime is bad and hard. I only do it today cuz I have to."

"Why," I asked. She stopped walking and stared into my blue eyes.

"Jessy, you're a criminal catcher. You catch criminals. I don't know how youve been safe for this long, especially against the 200 criminals you've caught, but something big is coming. They're gonna get you."

"B-But THEYRE in jail," I said. Jenny looked very serious though. Was she telling me the truth?

"Yeah but today is the one day it's legal for them to leave," she said. Oh no, she's right! I'm in trouble.

"What to we do?" I cried.

"Don't worry I have a plan," jenny said. She started running again. "But we cant waste time. These are professionals, they won't wait for the next purge to get you." She ran to a Lamborghini and opened the door, then tossed a bomb out after her. "Classic trick. They think car thieves won't notice the bomb and will blow up. Get in."

I complied and Jenny drove away at top speed before I'd even put on my seat belt. The bomb exploded behind us. Jenny drove to helicopter, then shoved me into the backseat and got in the cockpit. "Let's get you somewhere safe," she said.

"Ok. Why'd everyone call you Tricky Nicky?" I asked, buckling my seat belt.

"My last name is Nicholson," she said. "And I'm tricky, but not for the reason they think. They call me tricky because they think I set clever murder traps, but really I'm tricky cuz i tricked them into thinking I'm a bad person."

And we flew away over the bright blue sea, tinted red with blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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