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Nia got to the arena at about 3 that afternoon. She met with Corey and they went to film and episode of Superstar Ink. The were on the roof of the arena.

Corey: Welcome Back to Superstar, Today we have one of my favorite people besides my kids. Nia Jax

Nia: Corey, you are also one of my favorite people beside my daughter and my boyfriend.

Corey: Let's get to the tattoos? How many tattoos do you have?

Nia: I have maybe 18 and I want another one.

Corey: Fun Fact! Earlier this year, it was Charlotte Flair, You, and Myself. You were like I want another tattoo and were trying to find someone else to get one with you. So somehow you got us too agree to this. And we got these matching simple crosses on our fingers.

Nia: I remember that, because Charlotte is my tattoo buddy. I've sat with her while she get tattooed and vice versa.

For the next 15 minutes they went through Nia's tattoos.

Corey: Thanks so much for doing this episode. Everyone go tell my WWE wife that her tattoos.

Nia: Goodbye WWE husband!

Nia hugged him and they ended the show. Nia found Tama backstage, it took her 2 months and a lot of calls to get him to be allowed backstage. When she talked to Hunter and Steph they made her agreed that he wouldn't get in any trouble and that he wasn't seen by fans. Nia kissed him quickly, "I have a match with Alexa tonight." said Nia. "You've beaten her many times before, you will be fine" said tama. "You actually watch my matches" said Nia. "I have watched every match since November of 2018" said Tama. "I watch yours just not live because they come on at like 2 in the morning" said Nia. They went to catering and ate, then Tama watches as Nia got her makeup done. "Babe, I'm going meet Tevita. Mina is mad at he so he is going to get something for her. I will see you when I get back" said Tama. He kissed her quickly before leaving and meeting his brother. "You guys are a cute couple" said Mandy. Nia thanked her before she finished her makeup.

Nia's match was next and Nia was ready to go. Tama came up to her, "I love you, I will be watching with the group." said Tama. "I love you too" said Nia. Nia's entrance started and Tama went go sit with Roman,Jimmy,Jey,and the test of the group. They watched Nia's match. It was the main event.

15 minutes later...

Alexa was giving the match all she can. Alexa followed the plan and threw Nia out of the ring. Nia felt a pain in her leg. "Fuck Fuck Fuck" said Nia. Alexa noticed something was wrong and got out the ring. She played it off as she was trying to get Nia back in the ring. "Are you good to finish" asked Alexa. "My fucking knee and ankle hurts" said Nia. Nia heard the bell ring signaling the end of the match. The lights went dark and Nia saw the medic coming her way.


Tama jumped up from his seat, "something is wrong, she needs help" said Tama. "You can't go out there, let us go" said Jimmy. They went out to the ring and helped Nia.

In the Doctors Room...

"You tore your ACL and you tore your achilles tendon" said Dr. Amann. He went quiet, "Babe, they need you to leave for like 10 minutes so they can discuss everything" said Nia. "Ok, I will be outside" said Tama. Tama walked out and leaned against the wall. "What injurey does she have" asked Tamina. They were multiple wrestlers within a ear shot that could hear him. "She tore are ACL and her achilles tendon at the same time" said Tama.

" She honestly deserves it maybe if she spent more time learning how to wrestle, than posting about her daughter and her relationship. She wouldn't be injured," said Tye. Tama looked in his direction, tama walked up to him. Staring at him, "if I hear you say one more thing about my girlfriend or her daughter. It will be the last words you'd ever say before I break your jaw" said Tama. Tevita pulled him away and Tama saw Nia walked out of the office. "Ok good babe" said Nia. "Perfectly fine, I really want to break Tye's jaw" said Tama. Nia laughed as her and her crutches left the arena.

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