The crash

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Sarah h POV

As heather stopped the car I jumped out and ran to the first door I saw and knocked on it. Trinity open the door "hi trinity" I said "hi Sarah h. let me go get Sarah" she said but Sarah  already came around the corner " hey sarah" I said "hey Sarah h." she replied "okay well I'm going I have to see if the food is better here then in Hollywood" I said running off

Heather POV

Sarah ran past me after sitting her stuff down she was probably going to go look for food. Danica ran after her and I walked slowly behind. I saw them crossing the street when this car ran the light Sarah h. made it across but I didn't see danica I ran over as fast as I could. Danica was laying on the ground covered in tire tracks and blood. Sarah turned around and saw Danica laying In the middle of the street.

the ambulance was already there. They had a body bag and they covered it over her. Sarah h. fell down to the ground crying she had known Danica for most of there lives. I quickly texted Sarah l.

to Sarah

from heather

get down here now Danica is.....I can't tell you over the phone just get down here.

to heather

from Sarah

were all on are way

when they got here I quickly told them what happen. They had brought the boys with them and liam was in tears. I walked over to Sarah h. "Sarah are you going to be okay" I asked helping her to her feet

"what do you think my best friend from fourth grade is dead" she almost screamed at me "I'm sorry" I said then Sarah walked over to Sarah h. and gave her a hug. they both knew Danica longer then I had. I only meet Danica in are last year of high school we were in art class and I guess we just became friends like that.

{ okay guys I'm sorry I just randomly killed someone off but don't worry there's a twist to this ~sarah

p.s. there are two Sarah's  }

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