Stolen jobs

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     Yatos POV

  "C'mon Yuki!  We got a job to get too! " I yell over my shoulder to the young blonde who was struggling to keep up with my fast pace. Money,  money,  money!  Tenjin had told us he would give us 10 yen for this job!  Hehehe,  10 yen closer to my shrine and my yatoites! 

   Yuki and I were standing ontop of a building that over looked the phantom we were payed to kill. Actually, we get payed after we finish the job seeing what happened with the last job.... When we didn't finish the job yet kept the money....Oops. 

    "Yato... What are those 2 girls doing...? " Yukine asks,  slight concern laced into his voice. Raising a brow I look down, there WERE 2 girls standing infront of the large phantom.  "ACK! What are they doing?! " I yell,  getting ready to yell for Sekki and kill the phantom. 

   "Banii!"  The blonde/ blue haired girl yells,  and the all blue haired girl turns into a scythe! In just a few swipes she kills the phantom,  Tenjin than poofing infront of them and handing them... OUR MONEY.

     "HEY WHATS THE BIG DEAL! " Yuki yells,  him and I jump down to confront the girls and Tenjin but they were already gone. 

              ~The next day~

   "Today is the day,  Yuki!  Those stupid girls may have stolen our job yesterday,  but not today! " I say in determination,  hitting my fist into my palm. His reply only being a tired sigh and a usual eye roll. Teenagers. 

     Getting to the location of the job we knock on the door, a nice looking old man opens it with a warm smile. "How may I help you? " He asks and I give him a huge grin. "Yato God at your service,  fast, affordable and reliable! We're here for the job! " Yuki,  rolls his eyes,  hands in his pockets.  The old mans smile turns into one of sympathy as he rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry boys,  these 2 nice young ladies I had called just incase you canceled had got here first and did the job. Hehe. " He says, with a nervous laugh. My eye twitches as I turn away from him and walk away, Yukine right behind me. 

  "I can't believe they stole another one of our jobs!  Ooo,  when I get my hands on them,  I swear! " I yell,  shaking my fist in the air as if I was an angry old man.  Continuing to mutter to myself grumpily down the street,  I hadn't noticed the 2 girls standing on top of the tall building infront of us until Yukine pointed it out.  "Um,  Yato, isn't that the 2 girls that keep stealing our jobs...? " Yuki asks pointing up at them and my eyes narrow.  Looking up I see them flipping the money they made from OUR JOBS. Growling,  they laugh and highfiving each other. Than disapearing  THOSE MONEY SNATCHERS I WILL GET YOU!


Hey guys!  Kat here,  this is my new fanfiction for noragami!  The next chapter will have the introductions of the new girls so yeah!  I hope this isn't bad,  I've never been good with starting off stories.  ;-; Comment what you think,  follow and vote for maybe? 

   Well,  see you next time!  Don't let the phantoms bite. ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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