Hold On

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Ratchet and Optimus wasted no time getting Knock Out to the medbay. While Bumblebee and Smokescreen took Sental to the brig.

After locking the prisoner up they started to go to the waiting room when they heard a crash.

Then ran to see what it was and saw there was now a big hole in the wall in the part of the medbay Starscream was in and Getaway was laying on the floor where Megatron had just slammed him through the wall.

"I almost forgot we had one more prisoner to lock up." Said Bumblebee as they went over to get Getaway to take him to the brig.

"I've been on the receiving end of that one before not fun." Starscream laughed. "I'd feel sorry for you if you didn't deserve it."

"Don't worry he's not hurting anyone again." Smokescreen told the seeker as he put stasis cuffs on Getaway and lead him to the brig to lock him up with the other prisoner.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Asked Arcee.

"Sure I'll fill you in on the details." Bumblebee told her as he then explained everything.

Meanwhile Ratchet was in the medbay hard at work trying to save Knock Out who was currently unresponsive.

The red transformer kept shaking but his optics remained closed and his face had a restless expression on it. Until suddenly his body became still which was followed by a beeping sound.

"No!" Ratchet cried as he rushed to stabilize Knock Out after he saw him flatline. He wasted no time using the paddles.

Ratchet had to use them several times before Knock Out came back online. But the Austin Martin still wouldn't wake up.

"Come on Knock Out please hold on." Ratchet begged him.

Meanwhile out in the waiting room Bumblebee had finished explaining everything to Arcee and Ultra Magnus who had just walked in. And they both felt bad for thinking Knock Out was the mole and how they'd treated him.

"I hope he's ok." Said Arcee.

"I can't believe what Sental, Pharma and Getaway did." Added Ultra Magnus.

Just then Ratchet came out of the medbay. "Well it was touch and go for awhile but Knock Out is going to be fine." "He was lucky we got him out of there when we did five more seconds and he would have died."

"He's in recharge right now but you can see him anytime now." Ratchet added.

Then they all went back to the medbay.

Knock Out woke up right as they entered and almost fell off the berth looking scared."

"It's ok Knock Out your safe now Parma is dead and the other two are in the brig and won't hurt you again." Bumblebee told him.

"And we're sorry we thought you were the mole." Said Ultra Magnus.

"Yeah we had no right to accuse you like that." Arcee added. "Can you forgive us?"

"Yeah it's fine." Knock Out answered them. "But why are you all mumbling?"

"Mumbling?" Ratchet asked. "Knock Out they were speaking at a normal volume."

"Only if your whispering." Knock Out replied.

"I want to take a quick look at your audio receptors." Ratchet told him.

"OK." Knock Out replied as he let Ratchet check his audio receptors.

Then Ratchet's optics widened as he looked at them.

"Knock Out your audio receptors appear to have received some serious damage from that frequency." Ratchet explained.

"Oh no so is he going deaf?" Asked Smokescreen.

"No his audio receptors should heal on their own in time but I'm not sure how long it will take so in the meantime if you want to say something to him write it down on this." Ratchet explained then handed Knock Out a note pad.

"And I want you to take it easy for the time being." Ratchet wrote on the note pad then gave it back to Knock Out.

"That sounds like a good idea." Knock Out agreed with him.

"I want to write something for him." Said Starscream then wrote something and handed it to the red mech.

"Now that's just rude." Knock Out told him setting the note pad down. And it said. "Thanks for hitting me with the immobilizer you groundponder."

Then Starscream took it back and wrote something else. And handed it to Knock Out again.

It said. "Sorry I'm gald you change sides because I'm not a Decepticon anymore either friends again?"

"Friends again." Knock Out answered him.

Then the two of them shook hands. And they all said goodnight because they saw it was getting late and wanted to let Knock Out rest.

So they all went to their rooms and the three former Decepticons decided to stay at the base as well and help them find out who the mole was because with all that had happened they didn't have a chance to investigate so decided to focus on finding out who the mole was tomorrow because right now they all just wanted to rest.

To Be Continued.

Well that's all for this chapter sorry if it was short this was all I could come up with. I'll try to have the next one up soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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