Identity Crisis

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The team was trying to figure out who the other mole was and think of a way to catch Flamewar.

"So did Flamewar say anything about what they were up too when she had you?" Bumblebee asked Arcee.

"No she just kept me tied up." Arcee replied.

"And she didn't say anything when she technically killed me either." Starscream added.

"Their must be something their up too or they wouldn't go through the trouble of infiltrating our base." Bumblebee said to them.

"So how do we catch them?" Asked Starscream.

"That's the big question." Bumblebee answered him.

Meanwhile Knock Out was working in the medbay when decided to take a break and saw Sideswipe and Sunstreaker walking in the hallway and walked out to talk to them.

But suddenly another Sunstreaker showed up and came running down the hallway.

"That's not me it's the mole!" The other Sunstreaker warned the two of them. But no sooner then the words were of his mouth his double stabbed Sideswipe who was standing next to him in the midsection.

"No!" The real Sunstreaker cried as he ran to his twin while the mole made a break for it.

"Stay with him and call Ratchet I'm not letting the mole escape!" Yelled Knock Out who ran after the mole now mad at him for hurting one of his friends. Knock Out knew Ratchet would be able to help Sideswipe and wanted to end this.

Sunstreaker obeyed and called Ratchet who rushed over upon hearing what was going on. And Strongarm and Windblade who both just walked down the hallway ran over to help when they saw what was going down and both wanted to help Sideswipe.

Then Ratchet and Bumblebee ran down the hall and they all rushed Sideswipe to the medbay.

Meanwhile Knock Out was chasing the mole determined to catch him maybe if he could capture him they could make him tell them where Flamewar was hiding and who the new leader of the Decepticons was and what they were planning.

Knock Out just wanted this whole nightmare he and his friends had been going through for the past few weeks to be over.

Sunstreaker's double changed to his alt mode and and drove off. But Knock Out also transformed and drove after him not about to let him escape.

"Since when can lightbender technology copy someone's alt mode?" Knock Out thought to himself knowing this was new.

Knock Out followed him to a spot on the outskirts of Kaon where he went inside a warehouse. Then went inside after him.

Knock Out transformed back to his bot mode and took out his energon prob as he walked down a hallway where he found Sunstreaker's double and activated his prob then approached the bot.

"Ok it's over your cornered now turn off the lightbender tech so I can see who you are and tell me what the Decepticons are planning." Knock Out practically growled at him.

"Who said anything about lightbender tech?" Said Sunstreaker's double who then changed and revealed himself to be a shape shifter like Makeshift had been. "Flamewar is the only one using that."

Knock Out's optics widened in shock he wasn't expecting one of the moles to be a shape shifter.

When suddenly he heard pedsteps behind him and before he could turn to see who was there Flamewar who had just walked in punched him hard across the helm.

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