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Hey guys cloned in the last chapter of Zak the only Zak in this chapter will be the cloned one, so no one is confused or anything. 

Okay, enjoy reading.


Skullivar's point of view:

Hahaha! Zak is unconscious and weak. The machine makes those for a few days weaker and then you will be back to normal, so at least in the instructions for use. 

"Look at the evil version of Zak Storm!" I said to him. "I created you to bring me Calabrass and the Crystal, go to the mess and pretend that you're the real Zak, but do not let me show you!" I ordered him. "As you wish Master, his crew will not notice." he said darkly. Wow! To hear that from him is kind of weird. He bowed and left. But what if he would cheat on me then what? He can not be right I can still hurt him if, for example, Zak (the real thing) would now cut himself then the evil would cut itself, and it works exactly the other way around. I had a nasty laugh on my face. 

I went down from my throne to Zak who lay on the floor and stroked his hair. He felt so weak and helpless.... I had an idea that if the evil Zak failed I could take advantage of Zak (the real thing) and capture his crew as well. Hahaha! So I would have them all out of the way and then I'm invincible. 

Cece's point of view:

We sat bored on the Chaos and looked out to sea to see when the portal came to the sea Vapir. According to my calculations, it should come soon. I still had no plan how to free Zak, the situation was far too difficult. 

"Skullivar will definitely use Zak to get Calabrass, and the Crystal, and that's all our fault because we left alone!" Caramba said desperately. The portal is here, we drove through and we're in the sea Vapir. Vapir was the most dangerous and sheltered sea in the triangle here teaming with Skullivar's skeletons and other dangers. 

Bad Zak's view:

It's going to be a breeze cheating on these idiots. I'll take Calabrass and the Crystal and use it for myself. And that idiot Skullivar really thinks I'm doing this for him. Since he can still dream of years because that will never happen. After finishing my crew with my other self, I will be Skullivar and Bones. Then I'm the new ruler of the Bermuda Triangle! And with my other I will do it later. He can not do anything now. 

Oh, look at what's up there! The mess! That's easier than I thought. I drove the vehicle where I got from Skullivar and drove it to Chaos. If you ask me where I got it, I just say that I stole it. So they will not notice anything. 

Clovis's point of view: 

I sat on the lookout to see if skeletons came. Oh no! This is a skeleton boat (what do you call that?) I have to tell the others. 

"Skeletons ahead!" I called. "Wait.... is that...." I looked closer, it was Zak. "Stop people, it's Zak! Stop shooting." I called quickly. Everyone stopped shooting and drove to Zak. "Zak!" Cece called and ran to Zak and hugged him. "How did you escape?" she asked in relief, breaking away from Zak and giving him Calabrass. "It was not easy, but really now the locks of those are really rusty and in the cell where I was, was a small metal rod!" Zak said bored. 

"Where is Calabrass and the Crystal? I need both things now!" he ordered us. Funny he has never been angry to us and he also behaves weird. "Zak is funny, Crogar thinks Zak is sick, Zak has to rest." said Crogar. Zak just went on looking for it. "Where's the damned crystal now!" he said softly to himself. He sounded angry. Since he's been back from Skullivar, he's behaving pretty funny. I flew over to Cece and the others and said, "Do you not think that Zak's been acting weird since he got back."

"You're right, Clovis, keep an eye on him, do not tell him that we've found the crystal." Cece said suspiciously. "You're right maybe we should go to Sassafrass and see if everything's really okay with him, who knows what Skullivar did to him." Caramba whispered softly. Cece drove us to a portal back to Marituga. Zak, who had now cleared every box and spread everything on the floor, looked up at Cece. "Hey, fishmaid did I tell you to go to Marituga!" Zak exclaimed angrily. "What's wrong with you Zak you're acting so weird and besides, do not call me fishmaid!" Cece called back.

"No, I say we're going back to the sea Vapir!" he said furiously. I flew to him and tried to calm him down but he knocked me away. His eyes were suddenly green. I fell down because he hit me off and said, "Cece, this is not Zak! He has green eyes!" I quickly flew to Cece and the others because I was scared of him. 


Sorry that it took so long, but I really had no time in the last few days. 

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