Hard Thing

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Zak's point of view

I woke up slowly and felt pain on my arm. Must have been from the syringe. I was close to being completely kidnapped. What have I done?! I got up and looked around. I was in a cell again. I tried to remember what had happened and was startled. I quickly took hold of my trouser pocket, to see if the crystal was still there. Phew! He was still there fortunately. "Are you looking for something, Storm?" said a voice that belonged to Bones. I was startled and turned around. "I know you have the crystal, tell me where it is!" he said threateningly, yelling at me for the last sentence. Ha! If only he knew. "I will not tell you anything." I said angrily. Bones opened the cell door and came to me. "Well, but you have no choice." he said and blew a powder in my face. "So, now where is the Crystal again?" he asked. Suddenly, involuntarily, I opened my mouth and said, "In my pocket."

Bones wanted to grab me, but I ducked and ran out of the cell. Finally it works the way I want it. But I prefer to shut up, before I get caught again like last time. I ran away looking for a way out. Well, but before I search for a way out, am I even on the Demoniac or in the dark world? So, in the hallways I can not see anything, it all looks the same at both the Demoniac and Skullivar's palace, or what that is. "Bring me the boy, he must not escape!" I behind me, a far cry from a very familiar voice. That was surely Bones. I ran quickly to a corner, and hoped he did not see me. I heard the skeletons go in a different direction and calmed down. Phew! That was something of short surprise. I looked around and saw a door. That's all very easy today. Hopefully it's the exit, .... yes, but I do not have any idea right now. I opened it and went in. 

I was in the throne room of Skullivar. Great! At least now I know where I am. "Ah Young Storm, how nice that you visit me." he said. I was startled and turned to run for the door, but when I opened it, Bones came in. "There you are, Jellyfish." he said annoyed. I slowly walked back steps and thought. Come on Zak, come up with something. Skullivar must not have the crystal. "There is no escape. Give up and give Skullivar the crystal." Bones said, and attacked me with his hook. I dodged and looked around quickly for an exit. A few more skeletons wanted to attack me, but I resisted. Oh no, there were more skeletons coming in! "Fast, fast.... There!" I called. Finally, I had found a door and ran as fast as possible there, and to my luck she is not guarded. "Take care of your Bone Heads!" I said with a grin and opened the door. Before Bones or anyone could grab me, I pressed a button and the door closed. I heard Bones and the skeletons still popping and laughed briefly. Oh yeah! And I thought that only happened in movies. 

Skullivar's point of view:

"Take care of your Bone Heads!" Zak called and disappeared through the door. I hate this boy so much. He can never talk to us without insulting us. Golden Bones came slowly to me and bowed, "Master, he escaped." "Do not worry, Bones, I know exactly what I'm doing right now, is this boy thinking seriously, he just drove away, run away?!" I said and went to the control room. Haha. Zak will be sorry. I looked at the screen of the monitor which is currently displaying the recordings of the surveillance cameras. "I got you Zak Storm!" I said and pressed a button. Zak, who has just seen the exit, wanted to run there but under him opened a trap door and he fell in. I should really let more trap doors grow. 

Cece's point of view:

I can not believe Zak is gone. We had freed him first. "Sorry Cece, I could not do anything more." Zak said. "Alright, you did everything you could." I said to cheer him up a bit. We were already in the sea Vapir. Skullivar's palace was not far away either. We already had a plan. Save Zak and destroy the machine. I just hope that Zak didn't tell Skullivar that he has the Crystal, otherwise our problems would have been bigger.

Zak's point of view:

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh....Ouch!" I ended up in a cage. Stupid trap door! I kicked the cage. Ouch, that hurt. "Have you got lost?!" Skullivar said merrily. I turned around and he stood in front of me. "Give me the crystal, I know that you carry it with you." he said. "That's not true, I do not have it." I said angrily. "The Truth Powder never lies to me young Storm, you just waste time, so I'll get the Crystal one way or another, so give it to me." he yelled at me. "Wait a minute... Let me think.... no!!" I said. Skullivar gestured and Bones came in. He opened the cage and dragged me outside. Then he stopped suddenly. "Just wait here for Bones and make sure he does not escape this time." ordered Skullivar and left. I tried to free myself, but it was not possible. Bones grabbed my hands. "Do not be such a spoilsport Zak, the party did not even start." Bones said with a grin and looked at me. I looked away and remained silent. 

Skullivar came back with a skeleton. The skeleton had an injection in his hand. No, I do not want to be unconscious again. I panicked and tried to free myself faster. "Let me go Bones!" I shouted. But he ignored me and shut my mouth with one hand, and the other grabbed my arms. Skullivar picked up the syringe and the skeleton left. "Shut up, it does not hurt." he said. I tried to defend myself, but it did not work. Skullivar stuck the syringe in my arm. I felt like I was getting weak. Skullivar just laughed and said, "Bones, get me the crystal." I wanted to defend myself, but it did not work, I was too weak. Bones reached into my pocket and retrieved the crystal. "Well, Zak Storm as I said I have many ways to reach my goal." said Skullivar. Suddenly I felt better again, but it was already too late. Skullivar already had the Crystal. "Hey, give it back to me." I shouted. He wanted to say something else, but suddenly the chaos came through the window. The room wobbled briefly, and Skullivar dropped the crystal. I took the opportunity to escape and took the crystal. "Zak!" Cece called and ran to me and hugged me.

Zak Storm and the Crystal of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now