12. My princess

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2 months later

Ava is now 20 weeks pregnant. Today, she has an ultrasound appointment that Connor is very excited about because today is the day that they find out the gender. 

7:00 am, Ava and Connor's house

Ava is current throwing up in the bathroom. Her morning sickness is getting worse so how. Connor is gently stroking her back and holding her hair up.

'Avey, are you ok?' He hands her a wet towel. This is not the first time he sees Ava be so vulnerable. He hates that he is useless to her. But now, he learns to always prepare a wet towel and a glass of water for her, if they are not home, he will carry some mint too.

'Your kid, it's making me suffer.' Ava complains, but she knows it is not really Connor's fault.

Ava wipes her face with the towel and gargles to clean her mouth. 

'Better?' Connor takes the glasses over.

'Much better.' Ava nods. 'We need to go get change now.' 

'Yep.' Connor agrees.

5 minutes later

Ava finishes putting her shirt on and she is now standing in front of the full body mirror, looking at her small baby bump. Connor walks into the room seeing his beautiful wife glowing in front of the mirror. It's that beautiful pregnancy glow. 

'I think I need to get new scrub, my bump is poking out.' Ava notices her scrub is getting a bit tight. She wears an extra small but now, she needs a bigger size. 

'You are glowing, my darling.' Connor hugs Ava from the back and rests his head on her shoulder.

'We should go.' Ava lets go of the conversation.

'As you wish my queen.' Connor answers.

They get out of the house and drive to Med.

Chicago Med

It's been so long for Ava to be the patient in the hospital instead of a doctor. 

'Ava Bekker? Room 3.' A nurse calls her name and tells her where to go.

Ava and Connor get up and walk to the room holding hands. 

After Ava sits down on the examining chair and a doctor walks in.

'Dr Bekker, Dr Rhode. How are we doing today?' She asks.

'Good morning, Dr Brown. Nervous.' Connor answers. Both of them know Dr Brown. They worked with her before by working on some cases.

'That's normal, first-time parents, no matter how much you know, it's the same.' Dr Brown smiles.

'Our specialties are CT and trauma. Not OB.' Ava jokes.

'That's my field.' Dr Brown says as she tiles her head. 'You know the drills.' 

Everything is set the cold gel on Ava's belly makes her more nervous. She grabs Connor hand tightly and tries to calm herself down. They hear the baby's heartbeat, it is strong and steady.

'Heartbeat wise, you two know more than me. It is very good and the baby is in excellent condition. Good size for 20 weeks and everything is normal.' Dr Brown gives them her diagnosis. 

'That's good.' Ava lets out a long breath, she is released that the baby is healthy.

'Would you like to know the gender?' Dr Brown asks the most important question.

Ava looks at Connor who is also looking at her. They are eyes to eyes, and they know what each other thinking instantly. 

'Yes, we would want to know the gender.' Ava smiles at her.

'Congruation, it's a girl!' Dr Brown raise her voice.

The room goes into silent. 

'Ava, we are having a baby girl!' Connor is so excited.

'You gets what you want, Connor.' Ava is happy too. 

'Our little princess.' Connor puts his hand on Ava's hair. 

Ava smiles at him.

'I will go get the photo and give you two a minutes.' Dr Brown walks out. 

Connor puts his head on Ava's belly. Ava places her hand on Connor's head and runs her fingers through his hair.

'Hey, princess. Daddy wants you to know that we love you so much! We can't wait for you to come.' Connor says.

'You need to wait, we do want our princess to be healthy. So sweetheart, don't come too soon.' Ava takes her hand away from Connor and puts it on her belly. 

'Oh, right. Yeah, we definitely want you to be a healthy little girl. And please be good in there.' Connor kisses her belly.

Ava looks at Connor and she thinks he will be the best daddy ever. Connor can't stop smiling because he is actually having a daughter. 

Dr Brown comes in. She hands them the photo and books an appointment with Ava for the next time, then they left the room. Connor carefully puts the picture in his bag like the most important thing in the world.

'You know they give us two right?' Ava chuckles and shows him the one that she has. 

Connor smiles but didn't say anything. 

Later that night

They just finish dinner and Ava headed to the shower. When she came out, she saw Connor is doing some kind of project in the study room. There are shredded papers everywhere and colouring pens everywhere. 

'Connor, what are you doing?' Ava is shocked to see all the mess the Connor made on the desk. 

'I am making a scrapbook for you and her.' Connor continues on cutting something. 

'When did you start doing it?' Ava is so touched. 

'Since you tell me you are pregnant.' Connor puts down the scissors and shows her the book. 

The first page starts with their wedding photo, then is the pictures of the report and the baby stuff that Ava used to tell Connor the news. And the rest of the page is some pictures of Ava's belly in different weeks with some ultrasound photo. The design is simple but Connor puts a lot of effort into it. Every picture of Ava's baby bump has a week and date written next to it. There are also some stickers of different items to represents the size of the baby.

'Connor...' Ava's eyes are full of tears, but also love. 

'When she is bigger, she can see how little she was.' Connor says it with love in his voice. 

'Let's do it together.' Ava takes one of the scissors and starts cutting a piece of paper. 

Connor nods and they start to work on a new page. 

On this page, there is an ultrasound photo and a baby bump photo that they took today. Next to it is the date and week. There is a banana sticker on the side stating the size of the baby. There is also a little tiara sticker on it, and under the sticker, a sentence is written on: 'It's a girl!'

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