Chapter three:

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We all sat in the living room looking expectantly at Luther waiting for him to say something anything.

"Listen Luther, I liked the old guy as much as the next person but I really have to get back to work so can you Y'know," I say gesturing to my watch and then round the room.

"Um oh okay then well I guess we should get this started. So I figured we could have some sort of memorial in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dads favourite place." Luther states taking control and glancing around to see if there was any objections.

"Dad had a favourite spot?!" Allison questioned in confusion.

"Yeah , Y'know under the oak tree, we used to sit out there all the time." Luther explains looking at each one of us. "None of you ever did that?" He states after studying our confused faces.

"ill there be refreshments? Tea? Scones , oooh those little cucumber sandwiches are always a hit." Klaus says from his place next to me before lighting a cigarette and offering me one.

"What no , and put that out, Dad didn't allow smoking in here." Luther scolds like a parent.

"Wait, is that my skirt?" I ask in disbelief only just noticing what he was wearing.

"What, oh yeah this, its a little dated but very breathy on the bits." He explains standing up and twirling around to demonstrate.

"Just listen up , we still have some important things to discuss, all right?" Luther says pushing Klaus back onto the sofa next to me.

"Like what?" Diego asks standing up and crossing his arms.

"Well, like the way he died." Luther deadpans glancing at us all in turn.

"Oh here we go." Diego laughs rolling his eyes and moving the stand behind me.

"I thought it was just a heart attack?" Allison questions raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah , according to the coroner." Luther states still causing me to look up at Diego in confusion.

"Well wouldn't they know?" I bluntly ask causing Luther to turn to me.

"Well theoretically yes, listen I am just saying I think something happened. Last time I spoke to him he sounded strange." Luther sighs sitting on the edge of the sofa and looking at the floor.

"Strange how?" Vanya speaks for the first time and I look up to give her a small smile.

"He told me to be careful with who I trust." Luther admits going to stand back up again avoiding eye contact with us all.

"Luther , he was a paranoid old bitter man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles." Diego snaps resting each of his hands either side of my head to lean closer to Luther.

"No, he must of known something was going to happen." He says shooting Diego down, "Listen , I need you to contact Dad," Luther says rounding to Klaus and causing him to look at him in confusion.

"I cant just call Dad and be like Dad could you stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call," Klaus sarcastically comments making me let out a snort of laughter which I tried to cover with a cough.

"Since when? That's your thing" Luther says getting angry.

"Well, I am just not in the right state of mind." Klaus admits waving his hands around his head.

"He's high..." I deadpan looking around at the others confused stares.

"I mean how can you not have you listened to this nonsense?" Klaus laughs blowing a load of smoke into my face.

"It wouldn't surprise me if I was high due to all the fumes coming off you." I huff pushing him away from me.

"Listen just sober up , this is important." Luther instructs causing both me and Klaus to pull silly faces at his back. "Now the issue of the missing monocle." Luther continues to explain.

"Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle? It's worthless." I sigh getting up and brushing imaginary dust off my trousers.

"Exactly, whoever took it well I think it was personal, someone who held a grudge, someone close to him..." Luther says trailing off and looking at me causing me to look at him in confusion for a second before working it out.

"Where are you going with this?" Klaus asks causing me to scoff.

"He thinks I killed Dad Klaus," I whisper betrayal shining in my eyes.

"Now come on I never said that." Luther defends.

"You didn't have to , I can see it on your face, after all we have been through," I whimper feeling broken by the lack of trust and walking off.

"C'mon Alex you know I didn't mean it like that!" Luther helplessly shouts after me.


Flash back:

"In five, four , three, two , This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for channel 2 news outside of the Capital West bank at Main and sixth. A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took and unknown amount of hostages."

"Hey , get back behind the counter!" The Man clad with weapons shouted at Allison.

"I heard a rumour." She sweetly said causing him to lean in to try and hear better.

"What you say?" He asks in confusion causing her to go onto her tiptoes.

"I heard a rumour that you shot your friend in the foot." Allison continues causing the man to turn around and shoot his friend.

"It is unsure of how many hostages have been injured by that gunshot."

"Hey mister, is this your teddy?" I ask using the sliver wisps to grab the gun from his hand and morphing it into a teddy bear.

"What the hell?" He questions in confusion before getting hit in the leg by one of Diego's many knives. Using my magnet I drew the knife to my hands and threw it into a man who was trying to escape.

"Hey no fair , knives are my thing , doing your weird metal thing is yours." Diego complains grabbing another knife from his belt.

"You should of never taught me how to throw them then. "I say with a laugh as Luther launched a man through the window.

"Hey careful up there buddy." Diego says as we all circle around the last guard like lions waiting for prey.

"Oh that's a bad ass stapler," Number five mocks as he changes the guys gun into a stapler before punching him in the face.

"Do I really have to do this?" Ben asks as we all crowd round the vault door.

"Come on Ben." Luther impatiently rushes.

"Hey dont rush him." I say hitting Luther on the arm.

"Can we go home now?" Ben asks shaking from head to toe covered in blood.

"People are now coming out but it's not armed robbers its children?" The news reporter questions in confusion.

"Our world is changing. Has changed. I have adopted seven such children, I give to you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy." Mr Hargreeves said standing in front of us like a proud mother.

"Mr Hargreeves, Mr Hargreeves , are you worried about the kids welfare?" News reporters questioned as we all stood there looking proud.

"Of course, as I am concerned for the fate of the world." Mr Hargreeves admits.

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