Chapter Two

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 That evening, Nyssa walked up to the bank of lifts inside the five star Michelangelo Hotel. Nervous, her breath eased out in ragged gasps. She pressed the up button and waited while the glass lift descended. Inside, she strove for calm when the doors closed behind her with a soft swoosh. Eyes on the buttons, she watched each of the seven floors light up and finally rested on the Penthouse suite. She settled her shaky hands against her rib cage, took a deep breath, and smoothed her dress as the doors opened. Stepping out, she eyed the double doors to the suite with nervous tension. Turn around, Ness. You don't have to do this.

The doors swung open and robbed her of further deliberation. At the entrance stood a short, semi-bald man dressed in a black tuxedo. His horn-rimmed spectacled gaze fell on Nyssa. He offered her a pleasant smile. "Sherry Rose?"

Her nod followed a nervous gulp. The pseudonym sounded vaguely unreal to Nyssa.

"Good evening. Come in." He stepped aside and allowed her access into the suite.

Jackpot. Deacon Smith fell within the scarce one percent. She couldn't change that. Nyssa entered the suite and held her breath. She'd just graced the doors of heaven. Wow. In earthy shades of fawn, mint green, and gold trimmings, the suite befitted a king. One couldn't call this a hotel suite, more like an apartment within a palace.

"Would you mind waiting here, please?" He gestured for her to precede him into the comfortable living room.

The man disappeared behind another set of double doors which he closed behind him. What if she messed up? What if he wanted sex? You can do this, Ness. The questions, followed by her attempt at a calm, squeezed her insides.

The closest she'd come to anything this bold boarded on a serious never. Nyssa was born and raised in a small town where sex wasn't a priority. Not that she was likely to find a lot of suitable guys to date there. She attended an all-girls school. What little they learned about sex gave students the basics of how to procreate. Curious, she and four of her friends watched porn to learn about what made boys tick. While two of her friends ventured into the actual act, she and the other two chose to wait. They hoped to find their gallant knights in shining armor. All that seemed like a childish joke now.

Nyssa shook her head and glanced down her body. Dressed to the nines at a blushing twenty-four, she was about to play hostess to a rich man. And possibly have sex with him. What if she couldn't perform? Deacon Smith hadn't aroused any sparks in her yet. Shit. I can't do this. Leave before he comes back. Go! Nyssa shot up from her seat and headed for the main door. She needed to get out or spill what little dinner she had, right there on the beautiful carpet.

"Going somewhere?"

Hand on the door handle, Nyssa stiffened at the sound of the soft, husky words. Deep and sexy it made the fine hairs at the back of her neck, stand on end. Schooling her features into a polite mask, she turned. Holy shit. Nyssa stared. Nothing could've prepared her for the vision a few feet away. Her pulse skyrocketed. Every nerve cell came alive and screamed two words—hot damn.

The bluest eyes edged by the longest eyelashes she'd ever seen on a man, held her gaze. Arched by dark eyebrows, and a strong jawline heightened by a deep cleft to his chin. A straight nose completed the perfection of his face. His chestnut brown hair danced playfully along the collar of his shirt. And apart from a wayward lock that fell across a strong brow, was neatly styled.

Dropping her gaze to his open lounge shirt, she licked her lips without thought. A bronze chest ripped, and flawlessly chiseled, ignited a spark she had no clue to its origin. It scattered from every corner of her body. She counted each ridge of his sexy six-packs. God. The man put the word beauty to shame. An unusual twinge at her core tripped her up. She almost stumbled from the effort not to clench her thighs. Oh, God, this was it. The can't walk away moment. This was really happening. Exhilaration and fear fought for first place.

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