If you have the song 'A Head Full of Dreams' in your phone, you can use either your earphone or headpiece to listen to this song while reading its lyrics.
[Verse 1]
Oh, I think I landed,
In a world I hadn't seen,
When I'm feeling ordinary,
When I don't know what I mean[Verse 2]
Oh, I think I landed,
Where there are miracles at work,
For the thirst and for the hunger,
Come the conference of birds[Chorus]
Saying it's true, it's not what it seems,
Leave your broken windows open,
And in the light just streams,
And you get a head, a head full of dreams,
You can see the change you wanted,
Be what you want to be,
And you get a head, a head full of dreams,
Into life, I’ve just been spoken,
With a head full, a head full of dreams[Bridge]
Oh, I think I landed,
Where there are miracles at work,
When you got me open-handed,
When you got me lost for words,
I sing oh-oh-oh[Outro]
A head full of dreams,
A head full of dreams,
Into life I’ve just been woken,
With a head full, a head full of dreamsNext lyrics - Track 2: Birds
Taken from Genius lyrics.
A Head Full of Dreams
RandomThis is a lyricbook for Coldplay's seventh studio album 'A Head Full of Dreams'. Here are the lyrics for all the 12 songs from the album; from the first track 'A Head Full of Dreams' until the last track 'Up&Up'. Enjoy reading the lyrics and have fu...